Its a ......


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2006
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GIRL! such a surprise cos i had a big big feeling that it was a still pretty chuffed and i cannot wait to start buying pink! Oh and by the way the chinese whatever its called does not work.. :dance:
LOL it didn't work for me either unless I did it where you add 9 months to your conception age!

Congrats babe! Have fun shopping! xx
congratulations on your healthy baby girl1 :cheer: :cheer:
welcome to the pink club hun :hug:

btw.. chinese thingy worked for me :lol:
congratulations on your baby girl........... how exciting !!!
Congratulations! I also thought I was having a boy but now I couldn't imagine my LO not being a girl, the shopping is the best :lol:
Congratulations on your baby girl!!!! Happy pink shopping.
Yay congratulations on your little girl!!

The chinese calendar was rubbish for me too, and pretty much all of the old wives tales were as well!!

Il add you to the GIRL section on the 'Whose Having What Sex' Sticky now. :D
ooo a newb to the pink club, congrats hunny xx
Thanks everyone..i went and bought baby a full so excited! Scan was so funny cos baby was putting her legs up high nearly next to her head..went with a fully bladder again and sonographer called my bladder ridicoulously full :oops:
Yeah I did that at my 20 week scan and the sonographer made a comment :rotfl:
congratulations roxanne, i guess that will be hollie may then?

if we have a girl our babies might have identical names!! :lol:

well done :dance:
Im glad you like the name though im scared that kids at school will call her holi day or hollie the collie what do you think?
i wouldn't have thought so, its not the immediate thing that springs to mind for me. how often do kids know each others middle names anyway, she'll just be known as hollie won't she?

i don't think you have that to worry about.

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