Itchy all OVer...driving me mad!


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2011
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Now I know its common to have an itchy belly/itchy boobs, but is anyone else itching and scratching all over their body?

Feel like I've got fleas (I haven't!!) and its driving me mad..have noticed a few bumps that look a bit like heat rash type things.....arghhhonce i start i can't stop, and scracthnig your boobs in public is not a good look!:lol:
I suggest wet wipes as it could be sweat irritating your skin more than it would usually and a quick once over with a wet wipe does wonders! :)
i know how you feel i have bloody scratch marks everywhere all over my boobs and tummy its horrid :(
Mines my armpits they are itchy normally at night. Think its where the wire in my bra is rubbing X
Be careful, this can be a sign of a liver thing in pregnancy. Seriously recommend mentioning it to your midwife. Don't want to be a drama queen but it was something the consultant mentioned to me and said "you can't miss the symptoms - you will itch all over till it drives you up the wall". Can't hurt to get it checked out eh..............x
Thanks all. And kerrykins I was doing a bit of reading yesterday and came across stuff about that liver thing. Am at midwife again end of next week so will mention it then xx
How strange. I started to itch about 3-4 days ago. A proper prickly under the skin itch in various places. Only way I can describe it is like when I had an allergic reaction but much milder. I'm resisting scratching because I know it only makes it worse. Dunno if it is related to the heat. Has been disgustingly hot at work even with a fan. I I have been very active past few days working on the house and have overheated a few times. Got my 26 week MW app on Wed will mention it then. I think I'll ask for a blood test for the liver thing because I'm slightly worried now.
I have this to and what I can only describe as fidgety legs. lol

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