

Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2008
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argh every evening and aftenoon i'm constantly itching everywere it's not too serious but it's driving me mad lol i have been told it's cas of the extra blood flow in my body so i was wondering who else is itching
I was driven crazy by itching for weeks but this has thankfully now passed. It seemed to happen in the evenings and I would scratch all night. I was beginning to think it was an allergy to something eg dustmites as when i scratched I came up with raised red lumps which tended to be in lines, due to the scratching. I found I itched on my arms, legs, stomach and back. Oddly enough I never itched on my face.

I was sure this was all due to an allergy at home so the test was when i went on holidays to Spain, thinking the itching would stop but it didn't! So I then knew it wasn't due to an allergy from within my house. I wasn't sure If I could take antihistamines so didn't, but now having had my midwife appt they told me I could have antihistamines (non-drowsy type). Agh! :doh: If only I had known I wouldn't have had to put up with it for so long. But as I said, it has now stopped so I guess it was hormonal as the midwives thought.

I hope your itching eases for you soon too. :)
ive had it really bad hun i was told it was probably hormones it did settle after a few weeks but still itching a bit xxxxxxx
I have been itching a lot, mainly legs and my back - had lots of little red bumps, like bites, but they disappear as soon as they come!!!
I had itchy bumps on my legs.
Doctor said it was ok to take antihistamines but I didn't, and the bumps have died down now.
Weird, eh?
:wave: Hope you don't mind me posting here - I'm not in first tri yet - currently an older mum ttc - however I am 2 weeks late and still no bfp! I have bigger boobs and terrribly itchy skin - really itchy - I suffer from psorasis which has never been itchy. I have four children and have never suffered itchy skin in pregnancy before but I have been feeling pregnant (know what it feels like lol) but surely 9 (yes 9! :wall: ) tests can't possibly be wrong! Anyway probably just clutching at straws.
Congratulations to you all and buckets of baby glue too.
Take care.

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