It sounds silly, but i'm being brave... *update* i survived!

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Ok so before the baby group things were a bit naff - I was running late, Fi was screaming and i was running around trying to get ready, i get out the door and it starts to pour! Took me 5 mins to get the raincover on as i've not done it before :oops:

So we arrived in the end (though i looked like i'd been drowned!)
And it was ok. It's the sort of thing I find really cringeworthy (i know that sounds bad). The people were friendly and the babies were lovely and I will go back next week.

I think my problem is that i'm not the sing alone type! lol

Thanks for all your hugs, it wasn't half as scary as I thought.
Next stop - mother and baby group tomorrow morning!

and going to my first ever baby group tomorrow :oops: :oops: :oops: It's an hour long music group, just round the corner from me. I know it's silly but I am so nervous and scared! I know I need to do it for poor Fi who gets stuck inside with her shy mummy all the time!

So wish me luck!
Oh good luck babes. You'll be fine and you can both have a sing along :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww you will be fine hun, im sure you'll have a lovely time. :D
good luck hunny :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: you and faith will be fine.let us know how it you know what yoou will be it a surestart thing?
Ooo, good luck! I wish i had the confidence to go to one.
helsekia said:
good luck hunny :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: you and faith will be fine.let us know how it you know what yoou will be it a surestart thing?

Yeh it is a surestart one :)

My excuse before was not knowing what was on or where but my MIL sits on the board of our local surestart so she got me the details. Lol.

I have no idea what to expect!

Thanks for the nice comments :) xxx
you will be fine faith will melt everyones hearts :hug:
Hi Suzie, go for it once you have been you won't know why you were so worried! I haven't got little one's yet but my sis was the same as you she is very shy and was petrified of taking her first to pre school and now 2yrs on she is the chair lady and believe me mum and I are so shocked and pleased for her!!!

It has done her the world of good and given her a new found confidence and I know it sounds silly but her boys are braver too now as she walks and talks with so much more confidence.

The hardest bit is walking through the door but once you open it thats is hard part done!!! Plus like the others say your little one is a cutie and you have to show her what a brave mummy you are x x x
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Thankyou everyone :)

And thanks LouF that post made me smile and made me feel loads better :) xxxx
your not silly at all, im exactly the same :hug:

I get really nervous and awkward around people i dont know and i find it very hard to talk to them but ive been to a group near me 3 tinmes now, and Iz loves it :D It does me good to see her having fun and encourages me to slowely coming out of my shell :D

Although, saying that, im supposed to be going to one this morning but i chickened out because i hadnt been before. I was supposed to go last week too :oops:

You'll be fine once you get into the swing of things, and im sure Faith will love it! Have fun xx
You'll be fine, I take Jess to the Surestart baby rhythm and rhyme in Caister, it's great fun and she loves it. You basically all sit on the floor with bubas on the mats and sing songs that have actions you do on the babies (they have the song words) then they have story time then bring some toys out for them to play with and everyone can have a drink and snack. I've made some great friends through it. Enjoy! :hug:

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