is your bump in the way??


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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i was just wonduring if anyones bump is getting in the way yet??

i'm 25 weeks and my bumps okay... during the day, but at night :x it really gets in the way... but other then that..
I struggle to get sauce pans out of the cupboard cuz they are at the bottom and the fridge is half in the way so have to bend funny :rotfl:

Also, i miss sleeping on my tummy
it is so hard to go to sleep.. i just look at my hubby and i was t to kick him out of bed :x

but washing up is hard, it's like i have to stretch :roll:
neeko_1 said:
it is so hard to go to sleep.. i just look at my hubby and i was t to kick him out of bed :x

but washing up is hard, it's like i have to stretch :roll:

My OH bought a dishwasher when it was his turn to wash up :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
have problems putting on boots/trainers/socks.

also have problem 'wiping' (if you know what I mean) :oops: :oops: :oops:

sleeping - what's that???? Cant sleep on my tummy, one side is uncomfortable then have trouble turning over, have got a pillow between legs and 1/2 under bump which helps a bit then most mornings awake at 4-5ish with heartburn and baby going jogging!!!!!

why dont people tell you about these bits?????????

But it'll all be worth it in the end! :cheer: :cheer:
yes me too! i have to move my legs to the side to put shoes and socks on; and at the moment i can only sleep on my right side- cant lie on front for obvious reasons, lying on back feeling heavy now, and my left shoulder is achey from sleeping on my left! if i get an achey right shoulder i dont kno what i'll do!
I can't bend down anymore. Getting shoes and socks on is a struggle. :lol:
im having trouble bending down too. nearly toppled over trying to get something from the floor a min ago :lol:
I have no problem sleeping, but getting out of bed is the triky bit, I have to roll to my side and pull myself up, I nearly roll off the bed a couple of times :oops:
Feel uncomfortable putting things in the lower cupboards. Don't like bending over without crouching/squatting (lovely word LOL).

I also have been very fidgety in bed lately. Can't get comfortable for ages and then wake 2/3 times in the night with cramp or stiff arm from laying on it!
I'm starting to find it uncomfortable sleeping on my tummy :( it was always my most favourite position. Bump still very small so not really in the way just yet.
I bought one of those wierd body pillow things. At first it annoyed me but now it really helps me sleep and support my bump and my back and it's double sided you don't have to faf around when you rool over.

My bump really gets in the way in the day though! Benidn over, or evensqeezing past things is an effort!

And i keep spilling my dinner on it! :rotfl: :rotfl:

All my clothes are getting ruined!


I cant sleep much at night anymore, hard to do dishes as bumb hits the edge although the only way i seem to tackle my legs is to do it in the bath :)
sleeping is getting really hard, last night i had to get myself off to sleep by setting up :x

it's really starting to get uncomfortable... i'm also sleeping with three pillows :x

i can't wait until she's here :roll:
im still getting used to the fact that i cant bend in the middle now and that if i need to pick something up or bend down i have to bend my legs now. at night im not finding it that uncomfortable yet but im sure soon i will
vicki1983 said:
im still getting used to the fact that i cant bend in the middle now and that if i need to pick something up or bend down i have to bend my legs now. at night im not finding it that uncomfortable yet but im sure soon i will

oh you will :wink:
the only thing i do find uncomfortable is sitting up in bed and its the top of my back and neck gets a bit stiff. i am looking on ebay at those wedge cushions for bed so when it does start getting uncomfortable i can use that

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