has anyone been in a hydrotherapy pool?


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2007
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I'm going in one on friday and i'm a bit nervous. What do you do whilst in it? I'm going to try help my back. The thing is, i have a phobia of water ever since i nearly drowned when i was younger, since then i haven't been swimming or in a pool. Sounds stupid :-(
sorry I haven't ... just a thought though, maybe if you added "been in a hydrotherapy pool?" to your title people might notice it more... and it will save people clicking then finding they have nothing to say in the thread. :)
We do water babies in a hydrothrapy pool, Its just like a small pool but easy access and warmer than a normal one. Are you having physio in the pool or just swimming?
im supposed to be having physio, but how can you bend over when your stood in water?
My mother goes sometimes and i go with her. The pool isnt very big although its quite deep. She goes because of her back too, they get her to raise her legs and twist her back etc. Nothing to worry about as you have an instructor with you in the pool one on one (well you do in our local pool)

Why dont you ask if you can go and view the pool to put your mind at ease, you can talk to an instructor then to find out what to expect. Im sure they would show you round.
It'll be warmer than a normal pool. Thats a bonus :D

Don't worry about it too much - there will be float aids to help you and they will ask about your experience first. If they don't then express any anxious feelings you have.

Hope it goes well. Water is fantastic for healing :D

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