Is this pain normal?


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2013
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Hi, throughout my pregnancy I had bad tummy cramps which I thought would be over once the MC (7-8weeks) had finished but I am still getting them. I have now stopped bleeding and had a BFN but several times a day I get doubled over in what feels like period pains. Is this a sign AF is on the way how long after a MC do you get AF again?

My MC seemed to drag on forever. I had a week of bleeding whilst still seeing my bubahs heartbeat then it stopped then about 3 days after that I fully lost the baby the bleeding stopped a few days after that.

I'm just wondering why I am still getting pains sometimes they feel almost as strong as contractions. Is this normal or should I make a GP appointment? I don't really want to go and see the gp again I just want to put the whole thing behind me.
Hi there, I'm so sorry you are going through this, I don't have any personal experience but did not want to read and run. It sounds like you need to be checked out, perhaps an infection? Did you have a d and c or anything? I'm sure someone will be along soon who can advise further. :hugs:Boaz
No I was booked in for medical management but I really didn't want to spend new years n hospital so the had booked me in for the 2nd but things passed naturally on the 31st. I had a scan on the 2nd though and they said everything looked fine they found a small cyst on my ovary but said that looks quite normal and it had only just arrived as It wasn't there on the scan on the 30th. It could have just been a normal cyst that happens when you are egg growing - they said....
Oh I think I'd get checked. They might want to scan again to see if you've retained anything, or maybe infection. If you're doubled up it's worth checking.

I seem to have got back to normal-ish fairly quickly, but everyone will be different. x
I've had 4 early miscarriages, 2 that passed naturally. I only had severe pains after surgical management and that was when I got an infection a few days post op. I did feel feverish and unwell in myself too with the pains, and the bleeding had a funny smell. I would get checked, its def not usual run of things.
Thanks guys. I did mention it to the doctor at the time but she didn't seem bothered by it. Nor has anyone been bothered by what they saw on my initial scan which seemed to show an infected tube.

edited to add: I had a scan a while back to check everything had gone and it had/. So I've booked myself a docs appointment on the 20th.
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