Is this normal at 5 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Hey everyone,

Just wondering if this is normal,

I am getting sharp pulling pains low down to the left side, I am feeling very very tired, sometimes freezing, then next boiling hot. And today I have had a yellow sticky CM (sorry if TMI) but I dont get CM as a rule, and havn't had any since conception. I have also had AF type pains since conception, but today they have stopped (??)

Last time I miscarried at 5.5 weeks so I am very very nervous. On the plus side my boobs hurt like hel, almost like they are on fire, and the pain makes me feel sick (but its not morning sickness)

Please let me know what you think, even if it's bad.


Piglet xx

Hun i had the same thing and still get the pains, think its everything stretching. also the very tired is very common i still fell this way as well. and the hot to freezing, i get this too not sure if all pregnant ladies do or not though.
everything sound normal to me, not sure about the cm hopefully someone can let you know on that one, sit back and try and enjoy your pregnancy :hug: im sure all is fine, dont blame you for worrying though very hard to relax the first few months
Thanks Katrina, its so difficult not to read too much into every little twinge! :hug:

Piglet xx
pigletpoo said:
Thanks Katrina, its so difficult not to read too much into every little twinge! :hug:

Piglet xx

i agree hun its hard not to worry thats part pf the joys of pregnancy, its worse after a m/c to

but it does sound like all normal pains n stuff to me and my cm did increase loads at first :oops:
I know exactly how you are feeling. I'm pregnant again after a miscarriage and panic at every little twinge and pain. It's so bad that i sometimes run to the toilet to check if there is bleeding!!!

I'm coming up to 13 weeks and still get pulling pains every so often. I also feel tired a lot especially in the afternoon. When i first found out i was pregnant i had loads of cm which seemed to stop around 9 weeks but the last 2 days it has come back again.

Please try and enjoy your pregnancy and not worry too much. I am only just starting to enjoy mine but i know i will carry on panicking until i am holding my baby and know everythings ok.

hi. i had this too. as others said, its stretching and your body changing :)

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