is this it or a cold?


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2008
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today I've kept having bursts of feeling sick! then i've been totally fine - then suddenly i've felt really sick - got a bfn this morning but it's far to early to show up anyway. last night i felt really preg (although i was lying face down with a pillow on my tummy :oops: )
Got my fingers crossed for you roseanimal :pray: :pray: :pray:
Rose. Have a look at snuggles post she popped up about her dpo. She put in there she was feeling quite sick. Good luck hun, fingers crossed :hug:
From snuggles thread....

11dpo - nausea this morning, cramps died down a bit. Feel really tired and have no appetite at all (think this is due to feeling sick though). No other symptoms though.
thanks. i've still got my cramps but slightly better- not gone off food though - although that might be cause i've got ginger biscuits i made and a bowl full of left over chocolates from halloween.

it's not been really really bad sick (and i've not been sick) but the kind where it's really sudden and your mouth waters a lot.
actually it could be something to do with yeaterday (backgroud is i was in a car crash just over a month ago - my car's been getting fixed.) anyway i got it back yesterday and dropped off the rental car. the lady gave mea lift home and almost crashed on the motorway! was really scared but fine at the time - maybe it's that?
roseanimal said:
thanks. i've still got my cramps but slightly better- not gone off food though - although that might be cause i've got ginger biscuits i made and a bowl full of left over chocolates from halloween.

it's not been really really bad sick (and i've not been sick) but the kind where it's really sudden and your mouth waters a lot.

If you look on my symptoms post, I had a watery mouth too :wink: Good luck hun :hug:
:pray: :pray: :pray: for you honey!

I am feeling lousy today too and hoping it's pg not just another bug!
goodluck hopefully you are pg.
sorry to hear about your car carsh and near crash hope you get over it soon.
thanks girls. babydust to all you who need it too. still feel SLIGHTLY sick today but not nearly as much as yesterday - just can't wait until tuesday when I can test/get my period. hoping it wasn't just too many sweets and chocolates at halloween!
ooh, I have my fingers crossed for you.

Sorry to hear of your car crash.
well got bfn this morning (but irregular so no idea when anything's happening right now - according to mymonthlycycles i'm due af today though) i guess we'll see if af arrives! (went to fireworks with my nieces and nephew yesterday and started feeling really lightheaded and got home convinced it was about 11.30 and looked at my clock to set my alarm as i got into bed - it was 9pm and i was SOOOO tired! :oops: ) maybe it's just tired and stressness that ate giving me pregnancy symptoms!
I got a BFN on the day AF was due, but I was actually pregnant - don't lose hope until AF arrives, especially if your cycles aren't that regular. Keeping everything crossed for you!
Still thinking of you Rose, let us know whats going on hun, thinking positive :hug:
well I realised af isn't due until tomorrow - I'd got confused. Today i just cannot stop eating ! and I feel sick after eating which sucks as I just can't stop!

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