Is this chickenpox? PHEW IT ISN'T!


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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The spots have cleared up now! Phew!!

Just noticed these spots on Jakes tummy and back this evening. Do they look like chickenpox? Just found out Jaden (cousin) has them and they have been playing together in the last couple of weeks. He has also had really loose nappies but that might be his teeth.



Not really sure - Alex has chicken pox, the spots started coming out on sunday. They are blister type spots, (look like they are filled with water). They started off as little red marks and turned to blisters quickly. He also had a cough and runny nose all last week.
I know most children vary. Alex only has them on his arms and hands, and a few on his toes today.
doesnt look like it to me hun but i'm no doctor hope they go soon :hug:
doesnt look like they sre too me hun, but who knows they may come out 2morrow. Im not expect like hun, so dont take my word, go to the docs and let them have a look....hope Jake feeling better soon chick :hug:
Finn has chickenpox at the moment. They started off as little red spots but grew into blister type spots - very definately raised up. Before he "erupted" he was also grouchy & had a cough. You will soon know for sure if they are chickenpox because they come up really quickly. I'd suggest going to the pharmacy because the doctor can't do anything. We were told to get calamine aqueous cream (rather than lotion) and I've got Boots' version of Piriton to help with the itching.
If it is chickenpox he will be contagious for 2 days before the spots came up until they crust over.
When my DS had chicken pox all he had was a very minor rash not too disimilar to that and that was it.

I was quite dubious about the diagnosis as my pharmasist diagnosed DS for me, I had a second opinion from my GP who confirmed it, so my first port of call with rashes now is always the pharmasist and they have been right on a few of DS rashes so far plus they will tell you if they are uncertain.

I usually go to the pharmacist thats open at 8am get then to have a looky and if needed can call the GP surgery when its open :D

Hope he gets well soon poor thing
they look a bit virally if anything.

glad its not the pox xx

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