Is this BH?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2008
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Ok - please reassure me this is normal - I cannot possibly go to the hospital again!! :?

I keep getting these pains very low down in my abdomen, around the bottom of my bump. They are slightly like period pains, but more 'stabbing' if that makes sense. They last a minute or 2 then go away. I have had them a few times before but now they are more frequent (altough definately not regular) I had the pains about 5 times yesterday and about 2/3 times today. They are often worse as I get up from sitting.

The reason I ask is that I have read that BH are supposed to be tightening rather than painful. These are definately painful, but they don't feel tight. Is it just that everyone is different?

PS. Thank you for the lovely comments about my 3d pics :D
Sounds like bh hun and the person that said that they werent painful have never had them lol
Ive no idea..My tummy does tighten and im assuming they are BH, but i wouldnt say they hurt. Id ring the hospital, they should be able to advise you over the phone.

Claire x
I thought BH were tightening at the top of the bump and the lower pains are the start of contractions... sorry if that worries you and I am no authority as am 39 weeks and it's my first baby. All my tightenings are at the top, nothing going on lower down yet. Ring your midwife and check.

I've had a very similar thing for weeks now. It literally feels like the baby is stabbing me from the inside (hope it's not going to be a hoody :rotfl: ) or trying to claw it's way out or something (I wish it ruddy would!!! :lol: ). When I asked the MW about she said that it was the baby pressing on my cervix and my pelvis trying to move into position.

I find if I've been sitting on the sofa for a while then it's agony or if I go for a long walk or something.

BH's are when your tummy goes really hard at the top of your bump and can sometimes give you slight backache and period type pains too.

Hope this helps
Hun do you have SPD by any chance?!
I have them pains! So so painful lol your sound the same! I have them almost constantly (as in all day) coming and going! The doc told me it was due to the SPD and hips not being able to take the weight of babs so basically the soft bit is supporting her! Fecking kills! I cant wait for labour just so I know that these pains will end lol! I can barely walk! :?
I'm not even sure i've had any BHs but now and then in bed at night i feel period type pains, not really severe but they do hurt a bit, i haven't took much notice as if i forget them and get off to sleep they go.

i think every lady experiences Bhs slightly differently and of course there's all the usual GUPPs (Generalish unidentified pregnancy pains!!!!!!) that we all get and can't think what on earth is causing them. If you are worried, ring for reassurance, otherwise relax anddon't worry about it too much.
My BH's feel like someone has wrapped cling film really tight around my tummy.... it goes as hard as a basketball.
It lasts about 30 secs then wears off. Hope this helps :hug:
My branston pickles are all at the top of me bump and it goes very tight and hard and increasingly so they take my breath away somewhat but not painful at getting the pains you are describing aswell though and am putting them down to eveything gettin ready down there lol.. stretching and relaxing and everything gearing up ready to go...
halemon said:
I'm not even sure i've had any BHs but now and then in bed at night i feel period type pains, not really severe but they do hurt a bit

Exactly the same for me. Not sure if its BH but had a few period pains in bed at night - usually wake up with a niggling ache which goes away or I fall back to sleep. There have been lots of times when I have felt the baby shifting and things go hard and DH suggested that some of the hardening might be BH rather than the baby moving but I'm really not sure!
Hmmm....judging by that, I don't think they are the Branston pickles (hee hee that's makes me laugh!)

Could be SPD - a friend of mine says it's the muscles. But I don't have any hip pain??

Will mention it to the doc at my antenatal check tomorrow.

Cheers guys x x

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