Is there such thing as too prepared?! lol


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2009
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Ok so Im moving over to third tri next week...and Im not sure what Ive got left to do during that time!! :oooo:

Ive brought everything I need for baby except the bouncer and a cot but I think I know the ones I want, just need to get them. I got some money through (being a student that doesnt happen alot lol) so I went out today and brought the final bits Id need for my hospital bag and thought 'well Ive got the stuff now, I might as well pack it!!' so thats all packed now.

I just feel like Ive got a bit too excited and now Ive got everything ready a bit too quick....anyone else feel like this?! :shock:
oh yeah i know how u feel. its soo boring waitin about now! altho i keep findin wee bits n bobs 2 do or just go thru all the clothes n blankets etc re-arranging them haha. but at least u get a bit of time to put your feet up now everythings ready! is this your 1st baby? xx
Yeah its my first. Think thats why Ive been a bit eager getting it all ready lol. I can justify it though by saying that its because I want to be out enjoying the summer and relaxing in the sun during the last leg of it :)

Once Ive got the cot and things I think thats when Ill start all the rearranging!
I am one day ahead of you melio and nowhere near as organised as you but I think its great you have everything sorted! As you say, It means you can relax towards the end and not worry about having to get stuff xxx
I am the same as you Melio, have everything sorted, just need to pack my hospital bag.
You are very organised! But its your first and your excited, and its best to do it now before you get huge and hot in the summer and want to do nothing but lie and cool off! I have been getting bits and pieces and just need cot matress and my bits and pieces - although i have just pilled it under stairs til i get to about 36 weeks!
I wish I was that organised! I'm up to my knees in wallpaper at the moment, the shopping action hasn't even started yet!
wow Im very impressed!! Im doing things quite gradually but we've moved house so still getting bits sorted for the whole house, putting up the last of the curtains tomorrow (apart form nursery - not bought yet!!) and buying lampshades, keep getting to the bottom of my current account every month just doing up the house. My mums offered to take us shopping sunday and buy us a swinging crib though so that'll be here, and Ive got my pram off ebay, just need to get a new mattress for it.

I think its a good idea what youre doing cos I dont wanna be rushing at the last minute in the peak of summer!
Ive had to put everything under my bed at the moment. Im not moving out of my parents house until a few weeks after the babies being born so Im just collecting things and not really putting it all together. I wish I could get a nursery together....although Im pretty sure it would be finished by now! :shock:
lol yeah Im sure you'd have everything sorted already!! must be frustrating though wanting to prepare and not being able to, are you waiting for housing to be sorted?
I've been a reet lazy git! We only moved in last Oct (I say only, that was like 6 months ago...!) and we've still loads to do. Our bedroom's decorated so now we're doing the nursery. But then I want the garden doing this year (It's AWFUL! Overgrown with random flag stones, half built brick walls dotted about...) as it's not very child friendly and this time next year we won't have the funds as we'll have lost my wage.

So i've still all the baby bits to buy (other than pram and cot), nursery decorating and garden to sort! All in the next 4 months! NIGHTMARE or what?! Thank god the OH's Dad is a landscape gardener or we'd be screwed!
Ive applied for council housing but because Im in the lowest band its highly unlikely Ill get anywhere, so instead Im going to wait for her to be born and then find somewhere on my own and get help with rent instead. It means I cant really settle (as Ive just moved back from uni to my parents!) but once Im sorted Im sure it'll all be worth it. Just means Ill be living out of boxes a little for a few months :)
i'm exactly the same melio! people seem to think we are mad. weve got all the big things and nursery all done and set out. alls i need 2 do is pack my bag and buy the cot mobile,baby monitor and car seat plate. but we need to change our car to a bigger one 1st before we buy the car seat plate.
least we can sit back and relax in the last few months.
ive never been so organised
i also think its because of excitement its our 1st aswell.

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