Is there something wrong with me

jo jo

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Last cycle i was getting stomach cramps from 3DPO untill 12DPO, i really got my hopes up i was preg and then AF came at 14DPO

I normally dont get AF cramps untill 1st day full flow

Does this happen to you? Is it normal?

I am curently 4DPO and getting cramps again spreading to my lower back. If i am nt preg do you think i should go to the doctors or am i over reacting?
I think it is normal. Since I came off the pill, I've had stomach cramps at different times and for a different length of time every month.
It sometimes happens to me too, the other month I had bad cramps from about 6 to 8 dpo but then again my LP is a bit messed up at the moment anyway. If your LP is still around 14 days then you should be ok so I wouldn't worry unless they get really painfull, I'd go and see the docs if that happens :hug: :hug:
Me too and I think it could be a hormone imbalance.

When progesterone dips low the estrogen takes over and your period starts, it only takes a slight temp dip to start your period off.
I'm not 100% sure that the af cramps (that can seem like you get for 3 weeks total!) is totally that - I never had it before so why only recently?
First time I got a bfp, 2nd time just had a miscarriage and 3rd time - will have to wait a week and see.

Thoughts that ran through my head re the af cramps just after ov have ranged from i'm allergic to sperm all of a sudden to the sperm is irritating my womb (notice how the sperm gets all the blame?).

Maybe google something like why do i have period cramps after ovulation and see what you can find out.
Someone asked the same question and a fertility doctor said this:

I wish I had an explanation for your symptoms but I am not sure that I do. Presumably, symptoms in the luteal phase are related to progesterone effects on the uterus, which could explain the crampy, burning feeling in the uterus. I don’t beieve that those symptoms have any significant effect on your ability to conceive, however.

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