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Is there anything I can do??


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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As I said in my other post, the midwife said my baby is the right size, she isn't big but she's not small.
She wants to keep an eye on how the baby is growing because she thinks that even though she is the right size now she might end up being to small.
I have been naughty with the healthy eating and at the moment I am obsessed with chocolate and eat alot of it.
If I eat more healthy foods would that help her grow more or at least ensure me that she wont get too small?
Is there anything in paticular that would help her grow?
I'm so worried that she's going to be poorly :cry:
I've been told that the best way to help a baby grow well is to get as must rest as possible and to stay calm and relaxed. Lying on your left side is supposed to give the baby the best oxygen-rich blood flow.

Eating good food is healthy for both of you, but having chocolate as well isn't harmful (the worst it'll do is give you more weight to shift afterwards).

Usually there is an underlying reason for a baby to be a bit small, is there anything in particular that makes you think the baby's growth will slow down?

Try to relax and I hope all goes well.
I wish midwives wouldn't worry us with comments like that, to them it's just a flippant comment to us we'll dwell on it and think it over and over for weeks on end. I have to say if she's measuring you with a tape measure then really it's a pure guess and as my NCT lady told us it's more to give them something extra to do and just provides a really rough estimate as to baby's growth and is by no means an exact science. What you also have to remember is that some babies have growth spurts while others 'rest' and then the 'resting' ones decide to shoot up an inch or two while the ones who had been growing take it easy. By the time the birth rolls around babies have usually caught up with one another. I honestly wouldn't fret just now about sizing, your baby has at least 10 weeks left to do some growing and they don't start gaining their weight till you are around 22 weeks pregnant so yours has only just started. Hope your feeling ok and look on the bright side, baby is just fine and you might (lucky you!!) get an extra scan and peek at baby because of their guessing!! xx
You made me feel so much better thanks Nicola :hug:
Your right she still has 10 weeks left to grow and one day soon she'll have a sudden growth spurt and besides like you say, she measured with a tape measure and she might not have got the correct size as the baby is a proper little wriggler!
Yes my baby is fine :D
I had that worrys all through my pregnancy with Arianna as I was always measuring a few weeks behind what I actually was... but Arianna was born a healthy 7lb 7oz and now at almost 11mths ( :shock: ) she is bang on the 50th centile line for her weight and is just above it for her height.

Don't worry about it! :hug:
The day before I gave birth to my daughter, I was told that my baby was 'a touch on the large side' but that there was nothing to worry about (yeah right!) :shock: and that I would go full term (I was 38 weeks)

24 hours later out she popped, weighing a tiny 5lb 10oz!

This time, because of my firstborn's small size they sent me for an extra scan to make sure LO was growing right. He showed as 2 weeks bigger than he should be.

A friend of mine had her baby last week. She was told they didn't want her going over her due date as the baby was huge. Her baby weighed a huge 7lb 1oz!

Just shows they know nothing until baby is born. Try not to worry about it :hug:
ive been eating loads of choc sweets etc dessert type food like crumbles etc. my midwife hasnt said nothing except everything seems to be going well babys fine growth etc :)

im sure its nothing to worry about :)

maybe try blag a nother u/s so they can do measurements and u can see if baby is too big or small :)

aww hun im sure Lo is fine just continue to eat healthy and take care of yourself
Everyone i know goes on about food, and im fed up of it tbh, all you need to do is up your calorie intake by 200 calories for the last 10 weeks and thats about 2 bitd of brown bread toast.
I have my DH moaning at me here because im not constantly shovelling massive quantites of crap in my mouth like i did with the last one.
My day consists of 2 weetasbix with skimmed milk and sugar
lunch is a sarnie and a packet of crisps and when everyone os back from work i cook us all a healthy dinner and on sat night we have a KFC.

If your babies areant growing persoanlly cut down on choccie and crqap food becasue it has no nutriants too it and cant norish you let alone your growing baby.Im not saying live on salds but a few meals of bangers and mash will up your energy and norish your LO, if that doesnt work then there is a underlaying problem :D

Sorry for ranting :D
I agree with Nicola about MW's who sometimes unnecessarily worry us with their offhand comments. If they are really worried about the size of your baby they'll offer extra growth scans in the later stages.

Personally I wouldn't dwell on it too much. However, you might want to cut down a bit on the choccies and try to get a little fruit/veg in your diet for your own sake as much as the LO. :)

(Having said that I have now set myself a target to eat 2 extra pieces of fruit today!)

They do scare us and i think its a little torture for them to get one over us!
I think if you get to a late stage and the babys small then do something about it but why wiorry you in the early stages still?
Just come back from my 28 week check-up with the MW and she told me that my baby is measuring a bit big. She told me there's nothing to worry about, she reckons the baby has probably had a growth spurt and should get back to "normal" size by the time I have my next check-up at 32 weeks.

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