is that start of labor? dont read if eating lol


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2007
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ok when i wiped this morn i had a clear jelly type stuff was only a very small amount. ive been getting i think period pains down below, tummy area and further down.

been getting the odd i think contraction or braxton not sure which but it seem sort of strong to me and went came back hr later or so. having a cupppa tea now to see if that oh has gone work. his parents are here. his dad due to go shopping in the next hr. his mum will be here will explain symptoms to her soon when she gets up. ive had about 3hrs sleep due to couldnt sleep last night.

been getting these pains etc since about 5am and babys has been very active too causing some of the pains except the period type pain. cant remember what they feel like its been yonks. but im sure its period type. contraction/very sharp pain tho i got not long ago, think 2 in last hr.

as someone said in duds topic as a reply it could be baby moving into pelvis are too i suppose with some pains.just read that :)
eeek! you never know :shock:

Ive had similar pains to those you describe and I told my sister. She said its more than likely the babies head moving into the pelvis. Do you know if LO is engaged yet? Ive not had a show yet tho.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Thats so weird, i have had the exact same thing the past 2 days, weird clear jelly substance (yuk i know) and really strong braxton hicks. What does it mean?

Seeing midwife tommorrow so will ask...
Does sound like it yes, the jelly sounds like your show and you must be in very early labour.
Hope you are good luck!
I'd get in touch with your midwife if your worried hun. Your still a few weeks off your due date. I hope its nothing 2 much to worry about.
Opps i didnt realise how far gone you were! Id give your MW a bell, having a show ealry is pretty common but they can reseal themselves again.Definitely give your MW a bell
yea i asked my oh mother and she said thats the plug. but it was only a small amount.told me to ring mw so i think i will after dinner else i feel sick if i dont eat. babys fine i know that :)
still getting the slight period type pains as some people have described, not that i can rememebr what they feel like after having a mc in 05 and period werent back to how they were, then got pregnant again.
:shock: - Oh maybe it's your show!!!

Good luck - hope everything is well. Do let us know what happens :D
i had similar symptoms about 48 hours before i gave birth, but i think some other girls had them weeks before their labours started. everyones different! but good luck if it does happen soon. :hug:
ahh found the topic :p

ok got it again except this time i got loads of yellowy type jelly stuff come out. since 3am this morn.

looked on net and no mention of yellowy colour for mucus plug.

ive had constant pains like period type pains last for a while.

also had the odd pain on my belly.

babys very active too.

think thats everything. have mw appt tomorrow still. have got a bit of the yellowy jelly stuff to show her or hosp which evers first lol

so i suppose my baby may show its face today or tomorrow :shock:
I spoke toa midwife over the weekend enn and she said it doesant have to be blood stained at all and can be a yellowly to a clearish colour.
ok ty im gonna be ringing one very soon also anyway :)

i looked on net and searched and it said brownish red pink or abit of blood.

anyway those pee pots we get i have 3 so ive used one for that jelly type stuff i got out so i can show mw tomorrow if i make it lol r hosp if i gotta go there. been getting cramps like period type constant hae now stopped finally :)

babys still active :)
Pregnancy is so delightful isnt it, seriously though enn i hope she turns up soon
yea me too.

least my period type pains have gone now had them constantly all morning.

yea rang her she said is plug as u said.

she said i gotta rest ad take it easy and dont look like no rush to hosp just yet :)

obviously if pains get worse then i gotta ring them back. keep getting the plug coming out so must be loads there.

be ok second time round cause then u know what to expect its the first time round is a nightmare lol.
GHet on the move enn then youl be stimulating your body into producing more contractions.Have a bouce on your ball, go for a walk.

I ripped my old sofa apart the day my contractions started lol :rotfl:
I had the EXACT same thing except when I made a post about it everyone said it was normal hmmmmm :think:
pressure down below i cant take it :wall: :wall: :wall: lol

im sure twice ive seen slight blood like a strip in the jelly gunky stuff lol
other stuff yesterday morning and throughout the day was yellow gunky jelly type stuff lol

i put small amount in a pee pot so im gonna give to mw tomorrow lol shes gonna be happy with me :lol: not :wink:

vicky u sure yours werent braxtons?

plus the clear discharge ive been told by mw on the phone that its vaginal discharge. (clear jelly)

ive had yellowy jelly type stuff, also am sure ive had 2 lots of blood type stuff too also jelly type.

suppose baby be here soon :p

mrs tomorro i have got a ball but havnt bothered to take it out the packaging yet lol

i got mw tomorrow morning (tues 7th) so see what she has to say.

just had some cereal so baby eats it and falls asleep lol

too damn active , not sure if it was the p-p-p-p-p-pick up a penguin i had or the ambrosia custard and bananas. :think:

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