is she or isn't she?

id much rather have my baby natural unless it was in the babies interest they shouldnt be able to choose to have a c sec unless its needed let alone have surgery after :x
dionne said:
not heard that she is preg??

if she is i hope she gets the little girl she really wants.

and fair play to her being able to get all the help she needs loosing weight.

i think loads of people would if they could


If i want to get back into shape after having my babys i do it MYSELF!! No plastic surgery for me :shakehead:
god if i had the money id have it all sucked out, pulled up and in and then all the flab id have reinserted into my boobs :lol:
nicki said:
dionne said:
not heard that she is preg??

if she is i hope she gets the little girl she really wants.

and fair play to her being able to get all the help she needs loosing weight.

i think loads of people would if they could

I agree, I think most of us would get help if we had the dosh & were in a private hospitals. Also, right or wrong these celebs are celebs because of their figures & they rely on having a good one to get work, sad but true.
They get slated whatever they do but more so when they put on weight.
Christ, how many times have we seen these stars in Heat magazine with the 'flabby bellies' hanging & they get ribbed something chronic for it, they can't win :roll:

true true i do feel sorry for them that way they cant sweat and get away with it and i would probably get nipped and tucked later on if i had the cash but not straight after having the baby meeting the baby and being a mum is more inmportant it should deffo wait untill youve heeled and settled with ur baby first and i think c secs are only for emergancys
problem i have is they choose fame and fortune, you choose everything that goes with it. you choose to be a policeman you choose to accept risk that goes with it. you choose to work in a nursery, you choose to accept the need to dodge sick and flying toys :rotfl:

i agree, there is a lot of presure on famous ladies to get slim quick, but i do think surgery is a bit extreme! makes the rest of us 'normal' women feel we need to be able to do the same.

all i know is i love my flabby gut. reminds me of the wonderful thing i did to bring my daughter into this world. so what if my body has suffered for it - i would do it 100 times over and still be equally proud of my sagging bits :lol:

(please don't bite my head off :hug: )
i love my baby but if i was offered the money for a whole body makeover to that body I had pre pregnancy - Id take it and feel happy about it!!!!

i miss my 6packish flat tummy :(
Sam&Alice said:
problem i have is they choose fame and fortune, you choose everything that goes with it. you choose to be a policeman you choose to accept risk that goes with it. you choose to work in a nursery, you choose to accept the need to dodge sick and flying toys :rotfl:

i agree, there is a lot of presure on famous ladies to get slim quick, but i do think surgery is a bit extreme! makes the rest of us 'normal' women feel we need to be able to do the same.

all i know is i love my flabby gut. reminds me of the wonderful thing i did to bring my daughter into this world. so what if my body has suffered for it - i would do it 100 times over and still be equally proud of my sagging bits :lol:

(please don't bite my head off :hug: )

oh no i think everyones entitled to opinions and you have such a great way of looking at it i wish i could love my saggy belly lol i dont mind the stretch marks but i do wish my tummy would be flat again lol.
i am so not proud of my flab :puke:

i love my kids and the fact i have them here makes me proud not my hanging belly :lol:

its gross. give me a size 10 flat toned body any day :lol:

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