Is my HCG too low for 10 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2007
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Hi everyone,

I had my routine first tri bloodwork done on Saturday and asked them to do HCG for me too, as I've had very few symptoms and am just kind of concerned about the possibility of a missed miscarriage.

So at 9+4 weeks my HCG was 13,837. Normal for 9 - 11 weeks is apparently 25,700 to 280,000

Should I be worried? I am!
Oh Sookie :hug: :hug: I really dont know the answer to your question but I wanted to give you a hug as it such a worry all this pregnancy milarky!! To be honest I dont think the UK doctors do beta's like elsewhere - the EPU did mine due to ectopic worries but only did 2 one at 9 dpo and one at 11 dpo so that's not much help but I know the girls in the US are far more into numbers, have you asked on FF?

Please try not to stress yourself honey :hug: :hug: :hug:

Jane x
Thanks ROM. No, haven't posted on FF. Probably should. I am going to the doctor to get a referral for an early scan to see if there is anything wrong. I just want to know one way or the other if it is ok or not. With low HCG and no symptoms I am freaking out a bit.
Oh Hun, try not to worry too much I'm 12 wks and 2days and not had any symptoms only very mild ones. my mum was the same all is well with me at the moment not had my scan yet but feeling all is ok. i have heard my heartbeat on doppler though which reasures me. Your levels do go down towards the end of the 1st tri as your hormones are calming down. I'm sure all is ok there you are just like me and lucky you don't have the symptoms which means your levels are lower. honestly try not to worry yourself, I'm sure all is ok. xxx
Thanks Dusty Dog!

I am actually going for an early scan today, so fingers crossed it is all ok. I saw the doctor and he thinks it will be fine, but said an early scan is a good idea.

Hi Ladies,

Unfortunately the scan did not bring me the reassurance I was looking for. It showed a yolk sac but no embryo. The sac was also misshapen. It seems it is probably a blighted ovum.

I am extremely disappointed and quite upset, but ok. I just wish I'd gone with my gut instinct a 5 weeks when I lost my symptoms and had more blood tests done then. Instead I waited to see if I bled but nothing happened so I started to believe that I was just lucky in not feeling any symptoms. Last week I asked to have my HCG count done with my first round of blood tests, to put my concerns to rest, but it came out low for 10 weeks. Seems the sac was causing the HCG to rise, but just too slowly. So my fears were justified. Both the midwife and doctor told me there was probably nothing to worry about and that I was 'definitely pregnant'. I wish they'd been a bit more thoughtful and at least thought about the possibility of a blighted ovum. I had, but they were so positive that I thought I was just over reacting and so tried really hard to believe everything was going to be ok. I think I am still a bit in shock.

I don't know what will happen now. I assume I will have to have a D&C given that there is no sign of it coming out of its own accord. I see the doctor today.
I posted in the other thread but I dont know what to say apart from give you a few of these :hug: thinking of you hun x

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