Is LO sleeping too much?


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2011
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I seem to always have sleep issues. Now I am worried she is sleeping too much.

She is 10 weeks on Friday and most days she wakes at around 5am for a feed (asleep again by 6am).
Wakes for the day at about 8 - 8:30am.
From about 10am she will nap most of the day, waking for feeds or if we go out and is handed her around like a piece of meat :(.
I try to have her awake from about 4pm so she will sleep at night, however most days she will scream the place down because she is still really tired and will not be quiet until I let her go back to sleep.
She could then sleep for another hr or two before finally becoming active for a couple of hours.
Her bed time is around 9pm (most nights) where she will sleep until her first feed at around 5am (as stated at the start).

I try to keep her active and entertained but she will either just fall asleep or stay awake for a little before screaming her head off and falling asleep as soon as she is laying down.

Sorry for long ass ramble, I am just worried that something may be wrong for her to still be sleeping this much at her age. Does or did anyone have similar issues?
Lilyanna is a bit younger but sleeps constantly it's rare she's awake! My mum is concerned but hv isn't.. She's awake for max 2hours a day and sleeps 1am-11:30am at night and wakes every four hous on the dot for feeds in the day and goes straight back to sleep!
I have the same problem with my stanley lol Ive posted on here before about it...I know he's younger but I hardly ever see him awake haha x
I would have thought as long as baby is waking for feeds regulary and happily staying awake to have the feed, then sleeping, all sounds good, there is alot of growth going on for their little bodies at this stage - enjoy the peace.... My baby was the opposite , good at night, but awake all day, he still has only 2x 30-45 mins sleeps in the day between 5am and 7pm..... so enjoy
To be honest that sounds great. I wish my LO slept MORE! She's the same age as yours but only sleeps 3h during the day and needs to be entertained the rest of the time. Every baby is different and the amount of time that they should be sleeping is only an average so some sleep more and some much less. If she's doing well otherwise I'd try not to worry too much. :)
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Kynon is 13 weeks still sleeps a lot too when he's not feeding, probably 16 hours a day. I just let him sleep when he wants to they probably still need it x
I have been worried bout the same. Little lady sleeps for 12 hrs at night and sleeps most of the day she has 1/2 hr in the morning play and may be an hr in the afternoon, be wishing she would sleep more soon!
I was worried Kayden wasn't sleeping enough as he's constantly bright & awake, all day & come 6/7pm he gets grumpy. & I came across this website on another thread...

It seems I haven't been putting kayden down as much as I should. Been trying this last few days & its great, he's settled no probs he must've been over-tired & i have alot more free time now - im making the most of it before he's a toddler & they actually need the sleep so no need to feel bad!!


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