Is it true...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2012
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If baby is born before 39weeks (i mean very close to 39weeks not weeks before) then there is a risk of baby having breathing probs? someone told me her hospital wont section her till after 39weeks cos before then the baby could have breathing probs??

I've never herd this before, i know babies can have trouble breathing if they are born quite a bit before 39weeks but then babies overdue can have breathing probs :s

I will be having a section if baby stays breech and i was told my consultant only does them on a wednesday. i would be having one @ 38+6 or 39+6 but was told it would prob be 38+6

39+6 is too close to my due date (1day before) and dont wanna risk going into labour and having to go from planned section to emergency section.

so if my baby is born at 38+6 ( a day before 39weeks) would he be likely have breathing probs or is that rubbish? i was told they like to wait till as close to your due date as poss but think when you need a section due to breech baby a day off due date is cutting it a bit fine?

i didnt think there would be any probs breathing wise esp after 37weeks as 37weeks is classed as full term :s
I'm not sure how true that is. I highly doubt it is, purely because you are classed as full term any time after 37 weeks.

I'm sure lots of people have had sections after 37 weeks but before 39 weeks and their babies have been ok. I'm no expert though.
Everything in or on a baby is fully developed by 37 weeks including the lungs.

There is always a chance I guess that something may cause problems but it wouldn;t be because the baby's lungs aren;t developed unless they hadn;t grown properly which you would have been told at your scans I would think :)

Try not to worry, baby is in safe hands and in the right place if there are issues xxxx
Yeah, 37 weeks is classed as full term, so baby is fully developed physically and just putting on the remaining weight in those last 3ish weeks. Before 37 weeks you need steroid injections to develop the lungs, but baby might still need time in an incubator if too pre-term.

I told my MW today that I am starting eviction process at 37 weeks lol
Thanks everyone i didnt think it was true. i cant see it being true as 37weeks is fullterm.
Maria lol I did the same :)

She just laughed at me because my birthplan is about taking our time and being calm and relaxed yet I can't wait to get him out haha :)
I havnt made a birth plan kinda pointless when your most likely getting a section lol
Maria lol I did the same :)

She just laughed at me because my birthplan is about taking our time and being calm and relaxed yet I can't wait to get him out haha :)

I'm terrible for just wanting to get it done now and get LO here. I know this is too early still, but I keep getting tightenings randomly and, even though I know it's too early, think pleeeeease hurry up lol I know it's not baby coming though, think it's just her moving around coz the tightenings are only ever in one spot, not radiating up or down bump!!

Every day is 1 step closer though!!
I havnt made a birth plan kinda pointless when your most likely getting a section lol

I haven't bothered this time either, after my experience with my son I'm just gonna go with it lol What will be will be! I had such big ideas with my boy and it all went wrong, so this time no expectations, just get baby out asap lol
I think this all coems from a recent project that was carrried out that a % of babies who had been born by section had difficulties with breathing ie asthma etc bu dnt read too much onto it, doctors wouldnt do it if they thought the risk was too high x
They like to do a c-section nearer 39wks as possible as baby is developed properly and hopefully less of a risk you'll go naturally before 40wks. (Was speaking to my Dr earlier this week)

The problem with a section is baby doesnt go through the birth canal so any fluids inside baby dont get squeezed out during birth which can cause problems. Wet lung for one or my nephew had problems feeding as his tummy was still full of fluids so he wasnt hungry.

Hope this helps. x
They like to do a c-section nearer 39wks as possible as baby is developed properly and hopefully less of a risk you'll go naturally before 40wks. (Was speaking to my Dr earlier this week)

The problem with a section is baby doesnt go through the birth canal so any fluids inside baby dont get squeezed out during birth which can cause problems. Wet lung for one or my nephew had problems feeding as his tummy was still full of fluids so he wasnt hungry.

Hope this helps. x

Hope this doesnt happen. but the mw told me the whole thing about oushing out fluids but she said it wouldnt be a prob and nothing to worry about. i take it 38+6 would be ok to have section? better than 39+6 as its risking me going into labour
They like to do a c-section nearer 39wks as possible as baby is developed properly and hopefully less of a risk you'll go naturally before 40wks. (Was speaking to my Dr earlier this week)

The problem with a section is baby doesnt go through the birth canal so any fluids inside baby dont get squeezed out during birth which can cause problems. Wet lung for one or my nephew had problems feeding as his tummy was still full of fluids so he wasnt hungry.

Hope this helps. x

Hope this doesnt happen. but the mw told me the whole thing about oushing out fluids but she said it wouldnt be a prob and nothing to worry about. i take it 38+6 would be ok to have section? better than 39+6 as its risking me going into labour

Me too, though apparently its treated by monitoring or oxygen and babies recover quickly. I've requested a section too.
Yeah I would have thought 38+6 would be fine. Thats one of this things I'm worried about, going into labour before section date. x
They like to do a c-section nearer 39wks as possible as baby is developed properly and hopefully less of a risk you'll go naturally before 40wks. (Was speaking to my Dr earlier this week)

The problem with a section is baby doesnt go through the birth canal so any fluids inside baby dont get squeezed out during birth which can cause problems. Wet lung for one or my nephew had problems feeding as his tummy was still full of fluids so he wasnt hungry.

Hope this helps. x

Hope this doesnt happen. but the mw told me the whole thing about oushing out fluids but she said it wouldnt be a prob and nothing to worry about. i take it 38+6 would be ok to have section? better than 39+6 as its risking me going into labour

Me too, though apparently its treated by monitoring or oxygen and babies recover quickly. I've requested a section too.
Yeah I would have thought 38+6 would be fine. Thats one of this things I'm worried about, going into labour before section date. x

I havnt requested a section as such, well i did but only for the reason its much safer than vaginal birth as hes breech.

Yeah what other poster said about the water in their lungs i got told the same as i don't want induction as it failed leaving me out for the count after my emergency section after two. Days of hell and no sleep x

32 weeks pregnant. Team blue!

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