Is it too Early?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2011
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Today it's exactly two weeks since the day of my m/c :( .......I hadn't really set out to ttc so soon, BUT last night it kinda happened after a couple glasses of wine & a film with my gorgeous hubby ;);)

I was in two minds about when to ttc again, my heart told me asap, as did my body (lol), but the way I've been feeling the last couple of days emotionally, I wasn't so sure it was a good idea!

I'm trying not to over think it all, and have the opinion if it's meant to be it will be.....for some reason, I'm feeling like I won't get pregnant so soon after mc, dunno why I'm feeling like that, so I will be suprised if I am. Time will tell I guess.....
You know yourself better than any of us hun!

I had a very long bleed after M/C (light but continious) so we couldn't TTC straight away.

However this month we were TTC after a chemical pregnancy at the end of September.

Hope to see you in Tri 1 very soon

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lol, very true Carnat!! :) Just venting's hard to know what is for the best , I would be delighted if I got a BFP soon though, no denying that!!! :) xxx
Personally each loss has made me and the OH more sure of what we actually want if thta makes sense?

We were both delighted the first time but shocked as it wasn't planned (I'd just come off the pill and although we were NTNP I didn't think it would happen so quickly)

Each loss has just made us more determined, and much more grateful in some ways. Grateful to have each other, grateful to be in a position to want to bring a child into the world, grateful for all the little one's we do have in our lives.

I was terrified in May about being pregnant (I have a phobia of having my BP taken) now I cannot wait to get to the stage when I see a Dr and get cuffed LOL!

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Sounds like you have come a long way Carnat, I definitely think that once you experience a mc, it changes your outlook in so many ways. I definitely appreciate more how fragile and precious a process pregnancy really is, whereas before I just thought mc happened to other people. It certainly makes you realise what you really want in life, and myself & hubby have become alot closer since my mc in a way that perhaps we could never have been.
Definitely makes you realise there is a reason for everything in this life xxxx
Whether you decide to ttc or use contraception the closeness and intimacy with the person you love is very healing emotionally and physically for you both xxxxxxxxx
I'm new to this forum and in the same situation as you, had a d and c two weeks ago today, baby died at 8w 5 days ...devastating. Am dying to start TTC but my doc and MW said to wait for my first AF, I know its good advice, I understand the need for my body to right itself after the unheaval. I didn't bleed an awful lot after the d anc c, mainly just spotted for a week, is this a good sign? I really feel like my priorities are in check now an I'm desperate for AF to arrive as I really want to be pregnant by Christmas, has anyone any advice?
Hey Ker31!

Sorry to hear about your loss :( I didn't bleed much at all after my natural m/c, about 4 days and quite light bleeding. Whether you m/c naturally or have medical intervention, I think every women experiences m/c differently. Some will bleed very heavily and it will be prolonged, whilst others will have minimal bleeding and only for a short time.
My MW told me that they tell you to wait one cycle for dating purposes, she said that she has seen so many ladies come back pregnant without having their af inbetween. I think it really boils down to the individual and when they feel they are ready, emotionally and physically. We had intended to wait a bit, but that didn't work out ;) I guess it will happen when you both are ready :) I too would like to be pregnant by the end of this year, I feel the biological clock ticking away, and I think having a mc makes you want it more than ever!
Fingers crossed for us both with ttc, praying that it happens soon!!! :):) xxx
Hi Karolina, thanks so much for the reply, its funny and kind of comforting to know that someone else feels the same as me. I seem to spend all my spare time trying not to think "what if" and thinking of getting pregnant again, its been the longest 2 weeks of my life. I think I will try and resist and hold off for AF, fingers crossed we get a positive result soon would be fantastic if we were both pregnant by Chrismas xxx
Hey K, yes It definitely helps to know other ladies are in the same boat and know how you are feeling :). Since my mc I have never wanted a baby so much!!! Fingers crossed for us both :) Keep me updated on how you are doing xxxx
if it feels rigt go for it hun.. I have heard that your hormone levels are higher than normal just after a m/c .. so sometimes there is more chance of a sticky bean next time you get a bfp xx
I lost my baby at 20 weeks and 5 days due to chromosomes abnormality i went through hell,i had basically bonded with my baby ,she would kick in the mornngs and in the evenings,i feel i want ababy so much,it has been 3 weeks since i had the painful and horrible termination,i do have an open mind and would like to try again but like mot here i dont know when to start
if it feels rigt go for it hun.. I have heard that your hormone levels are higher than normal just after a m/c .. so sometimes there is more chance of a sticky bean next time you get a bfp xx

Interestingly both the EPU and my GP indicated that this is not true and that it is always best to allow your body one "normal" cycle.

I am kind of proof to that fact as I have had 2 M/C's in a row now (5 weeks apart :shock:)

Both EPU and GP raised eyebrows when they saw I'd got pregnant 2 months in a row.

I know we are all so desperate for our sticky beans but I have decided to change tack a little now and give my body some time to get over things.

In the past 6 months I have either been pregnant, trying to get pregnant or dealing with the physcial / emotional strains of having a miscarriage.

** I am not saying everyone should wait, just passing on my experience **
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I lost my baby at 20 weeks and 5 days due to chromosomes abnormality i went through hell,i had basically bonded with my baby ,she would kick in the mornngs and in the evenings,i feel i want ababy so much,it has been 3 weeks since i had the painful and horrible termination,i do have an open mind and would like to try again but like mot here i dont know when to start

I really think you need to speak to your Dr / Midwife as having a late loss is so very different to having a miscarriage.

Are you due to go back for a check-up?
the only reason they tell u to wait after MC is for your mental health my GP told me, there is no reason not to try again even if you havent had AF but its beter to have at least one cycle to help with dating etc if you do catch on
Hope told me, and I did some reading when I was questioning this after my mc, that although you are more fertile (because your hormones are higher) you might get a bfp but you might also be at increased risk of another MC because the hormones basically might not follow the pattern they should. I don't think there is a right or wrong but there are several strong arguments for waiting one cycle before TTC again including the mental health ones that Lynette pointed out. I know that I felt very differently 6 weeks after mc than 2 weeks! I know people have gone on to have healthy pregnancies straight after an mc but for me I didn't want to risk another mc, the first one was so devastating.
Hope told me, and I did some reading when I was questioning this after my mc, that although you are more fertile (because your hormones are higher) you might get a bfp but you might also be at increased risk of another MC because the hormones basically might not follow the pattern they should. I don't think there is a right or wrong but there are several strong arguments for waiting one cycle before TTC again including the mental health ones that Lynette pointed out. I know that I felt very differently 6 weeks after mc than 2 weeks! I know people have gone on to have healthy pregnancies straight after an mc but for me I didn't want to risk another mc, the first one was so devastating.

It goes back to the age old adage of us all being different I guess?

Some people will get a sticky 2nd time around, others will not.

I wish I'd waited and not gone back to TTC straight away [not because I think that was the reason I miscarried again but because my body and mind needed more time to readjust]

Karolina, I think you just have to do what is right for you hun

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I think the shock of the mc, and the loss you feel kinda makes you want to fill the emptiness as soon as you physically can. I don't think I've ovulated since my m/c or if I have, I haven't conceived......I certainly don't have any pregnancy symptoms. Just waiting for my af now, it's due any day......I hope!!! Just wanting to get back on track now. I'm a strong believer in what will be will be....

Hi Karolina, how are you? I got my AF back on happy feel like its my bodys way of telling me all is well, going to start TTC in 2 weeks, fingers crossed!

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