Is it the right thing to do?


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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For the last 2 weeks Jack has only been drinking 2-3 ounces during meal times, it doesn't make a difference if i give it him before or after the solids, he will have:-

A full 8 ounces at 7am
Breakfast and 2-3 ounces at 10am,
Dinner and juice at 1pm,
Tea and 2-3 ounces at 4
and then a full 8 ounces at 7 then he goes to bed til 7 the following morning.

That is how it has been since god knows when but i have started giving him juice with dinner instead of bottle.

This may sound cheap but i am sick of wasting milk (that isn't cheap) cos i always make more than he drinks just incase he needs it one day.

Is he getting enough milk??
As long as he gets about 18oz it's fine, bit if he is having juice and solids one aswell then he should be fine. That's the same feeding routine as Damien (except he only has 2 milk bottles) and he is still a heffer :D
Well i was thinking of cutting his milk from his dinner AND tea, especially while the weather is warm, will he ok with that?
I think that sounds fine what you are doing. I was always happy with mines taking the big bottle first and last thing and usually bfast is milky.
I think as long as he is getting roughly 20oz of firmula a day he will be fine hun. He would take more if he needed it. Rubie wont take much solids, likes her milk too much. She took 35 oz today and about 3/4 of a jar of baby food.
He's totally going off milk but i know he needs it, i think i will have to talk to the HV, he has yoghurts and i use about 2 oz in his brekky so i think he will end up having just 8oz in the morn and before he goes to bed.
Damien chcuked his milk out before I wanted him to , spoke to HV, and she said he may ust be ready? Some days he still prefers milk to mush, and other days he prefers his veg then has a fruit pot afterwards too. His weight didnt increse for a few eeeks, then it went up massively again :D
Well i make sur Jack has dinner and yoghurt with juice.

I will soon see on tuesday when i get him weighed
I've never given Reece milk with his meals cos he wont manage both. He has a bottle in the morning, one or two between meals and one before bed :D

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