Is it possible??


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2007
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I fear I may be being an over dramatic, new mum to be, but....

On Saturday evening I was lying on the sofa watching a film and then......
a ripple in my belly :shock: !! Now dont get me wrong, my stomach is forever rumbling and full of air (curse that darned trapped wind) but this I have definately never felt before. I haven't felt it since either but I can't stop thinking about it!! I cant explain the feeling other than it felt like a kind of small jelly ripple?! If my baby had decided to go for a big move about, could I have felt it at 13.5 weeks??????

I'm excited because I know it felt totally strange, but I feel stupid telling people because they just look at me as if to say, "yeah, right!!" :roll:

Love Evie x
seems a bit early.. but could have been baby related! Maybe not baby moving itself as it is quite tiny still but maybe things starting to move around ready for baby.
I agree that 13 weeks is possibly a tad early to feel baby moving but it might be things settling into place etc so baby can start moving soon? I was just a day or two before 16 weeks before I felt the first flutters etc (thought I had a trapped nerve!) and I'm expecting my first. Usually 15/16 weeks (and sometimes 14) is expected for a 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc time mother but with the first it's usually anywhere from 16-20 weeks before ladies tend to feel it.
All the books, and experts, will say it's too early but I am sure I felt my LO moving around at the same stage (although I am a second time mum and apparently that is relevant).

Maybe you are well tuned in to your body and can feel any little sensation. It's possible it could be something to do with the baby.

Sabrina said:
All the books, and experts, will say it's too early but I am sure I felt my LO moving around at the same stage (although I am a second time mum and apparently that is relevant).

Maybe you are well tuned in to your body and can feel any little sensation. It's possible it could be something to do with the baby.


Thanks Sabrina, Im glad someone doesn't think i'm totally bonkers!!! :|
Are you really thin? because they say thin people can feel their baby move very early on.
both me and my friend have been able to feel since around 12 weeks. we were both very thin when we conceived and i think that might have something to do with it. i was a stone underweight for my height 5'4" and my friend was more. both of our partners can feels the babies move and countless other people have felt mine too! :D

the other thing i wondered is whether some people are more sensitive. for example i was doubled over in pain whenever i ovulated and if that has something to do with it! :think:

so no i would say your not mad and every woman is different. all of the pregnancy guidance is general anyway!

hope that answers your question
kirstyxxx said:
the other thing i wondered is whether some people are more sensitive. for example i was doubled over in pain whenever i ovulated and if that has something to do with it! :think:

I have always suffered with really bad monthly cramps and so far through this pregnancy I have had pains too! I do think I may be very sensitive to these things, I knew I was pregnant at 3 weeks (even before my period was due) because I could just feel the differences, but I had to order a highly sensitive test from a medical website to prove it because my O/H didn't think you could know so soon!!! (Access Diagnostics if anyone wants to use them in the future, brilliant website!!) The line was faint but it was definately there!

Evie x
hi i also felt this at 13 weeks and i know what the feelin is as this is my second pregnancy. you probably wont feel it again for a while your lo could have just been in a really good position for it. i tap on my belly to make a slight drummin noise and i get little tinkles as a reaction!!! you are not bonkers it is different for everyone! xxxxx
Thanks so much Kim,

I am happy now from all your replies to let myself believe this was a baby flutter :dance: now all I have to do is wait for it to happen again, hope it's soon!!!!

Evie x
Seems to happen alot with 2nd time mum's, so I think it was the baby. Its just looks like 1st timers dont know the feeling so they don't recognise it. I hope that when I do feel it properly I can say that it was definately the same sensation!

Evie xx
oh you will evie huni, and the further on you get the harder they will get!!
I first felt the baby move at 14weeks 6days and my first. Felt like bubbles.

Ifeel baby kick now at times and its quite cute :)

Id say its your body adjusting for baby to move etc, body has to get bigger for baby as baby gets bigger.

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