is it possible?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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we went for our 20-week scan last monday and we really wanted to kno the sex, but baby was very shy and wouldnt show us its bits! i'd drank a can of full-sugar coke b4 the scan as someone had told me the caffiene & sugar would wake up the baby so it would move its legs and u could see. i asked the sonographer if it was awake and she said "yes, its very active", yet it still kept its legs together! we have to go for another scan this monday as baby wouldnt let the sonographer see a couple of other bits she needed to check (no matter how hard she stuck the scanner into my tummy!) so we're hoping to find out the sex then.

my question is, does anyone kno any tips which might make the baby stretch its legs and move around a bit more? the coke didnt work! is it actually possible to hav any control over it or is it completely up to the baby whether it feels like showing u or not?!
I guess its LO's choice...When we had 20 week scan our LO had his legs crossed over his bits but how he was lying you could actually see from below 2 little tell tale signs.
I've never had this problem but I would imagine if the baby wants to be stubborn then it will be no matter what you do!

Just cos it had its legs closed then though doesnt mean it will this time. Lets hope it behaves and gives you a good look :D
I think its all down to baby, if they don't want to move out of poition then theres not much you can do. When I had my 4d scan I was told to have chocolate half hour before the scan to get her active, thats prob just the same as the coke.
At my final scan with my daughter, she decided to go crossed legged and sit down in my pelvis so we couldn't see anything :?

This time we want to know for sure so if anyone has any ideas, please post up. At the moment I am thinking of eating ice-cream and ice-lollies to see if the cold will gee it up. Or maybe playing a portable dvd with formula one racing or football on it might get the interest of a boy? :wink:
My baby always get really active if i have something hot to drink (tea, coffee, hot choclate) maybe you could try that before you go to the hospital. hopefully baby cooperates next time round. :D
Mine responds to very cold stuff like ice cream and cold orange juice, guess its a shock lol! :lol:

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