...............want to know???? So did we! lol
Had our 20 week scan on Tuesday and it was amazing, everything was exactly as it should be and the sonographer explained everything really well as she had a student with her and we saw her last time and she was lovely then too!
When she had done all the health checks we asked if she could see the sex and she chuckled and said 'no chance'. Our modest baby was sitting on my bladder with its legs firmly crossed. She commented on how comfortable it looked and how we couldn't move it in that position, she said its funny because when people don't want to know the baby displays its bits to the world and when they do, they cross their legs!
feels kinda nice though to wait and see as the choice has been taken away from us so we can't do much about it, I found it quite funny!
Main thing was that baby was healthy, we don't mind what we have, just want to be able to say he or she and buy some stuff with some more colour in it - but the shopping can wait

Had our 20 week scan on Tuesday and it was amazing, everything was exactly as it should be and the sonographer explained everything really well as she had a student with her and we saw her last time and she was lovely then too!
When she had done all the health checks we asked if she could see the sex and she chuckled and said 'no chance'. Our modest baby was sitting on my bladder with its legs firmly crossed. She commented on how comfortable it looked and how we couldn't move it in that position, she said its funny because when people don't want to know the baby displays its bits to the world and when they do, they cross their legs!

Main thing was that baby was healthy, we don't mind what we have, just want to be able to say he or she and buy some stuff with some more colour in it - but the shopping can wait