Is it normal...


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2007
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for midwifes to be sooo god damn rough with my bump and baby?

Just back from my 33 week appointment and feel battered and bruised to bits!!
She was pressing in right under my ribs and I was wincing and yelping in pain... all she said was 'oh yes, there's a funny little lumpy bit there *poke poke*...' then down near my pubic area she was digging her fingers RIGHT in reeeally hard.

I came away with terrible cramps and pains all down my sides and baby has been a bit quiet every since. :?

Is this quite normal behaviour?
They do start to have a goof feel round about no to check baby is getting into the right position. I was always sore in my pubic area after the midwife checking if the head was starting to engage.
I know what you mean :shock:
I just got back from the mw and she let a student mw loose on me!! The student started poking and prodding first and then the proper mw had a poke and they both really hurt when they were doing it. I know they have to (I think they have to) prod quite hard to get a proper feel of the baby but they don't have to be so rough! My stomach really hurts now and feels all bruised :(
If they know what they're doing it shoudn't hurt you. A bit uncomfortable, yes, but not to the extent that you describe.

I have split care between my GP and midwife and I find that my GP is much rougher than the midwife. I had a particularly rough appointment at 29 weeks and I'm convinced that if my baby was ever breech, the reason he turned breech was becasue the GP was so rough trying to feel his head!

I would definitely say something if they are hurting you. Early on, I wanted more check-ups, but now, sometimes I wish they'd leave baby alone! They can listen to his heart and measure my bump but no more rough examinations!
Yes they are im afraid! there just trying to get a good feel and its sometimes hard to distingiush how the babys laying so thats why there so rough
I had my 31 week check up with my GP last week and it made my toes curl the way he dug right in deep, actually made me feel a bit :puke:

I am hoping the mw will be a bit more gentle when I see her next :pray:
my mw has been quite gentle so far so touchwood she wil be tomorrow. however, that may not be a good thing becus she is the worst mw ever so she prob doesnt even know what shes doin and thats why she dont hurt me!!! :?

For 3 days after my waters broke and no baby, whilst 39wks pregnant, I had home visits from MW's and I have to say it HURT LIKE HELL when they were checking Isaac's position :shock: :cry: they press so hard, they should be sympathetic and say they know it hurts and they're sorry but it needs to be done.

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