is it normal?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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Please can i just ask is it normal to have pains like AF is about to come or achy pains in very early pregnancy? i have felt like AF was coming on and off for a few days and it is sometimes worse than other times


yes hun it is normal i had it with both mine for the first couple of months
Oh yes - I had this for about a week. Totally normal babe :hug:

i am just a bit anxious and some of the pains are sharp too? is this ok...

Other than this one worry i am very happy to be pregnant!!
hey hun dont worry its normal so many women have this in the first few weeks its a pain but it wont be for long.

Have you worked out how far you are yet? take care :hug: :hug:
I had this and kept rushing to the toilet to see if af had started!!! I still check the toilet roll now to see if there is blood on it!!
Yep dont worry hun this is normal i had it :) .

I do the same check the tissue after going to the loo i try not too but i cant help it :)
Me too, I was constantly rushing to loo, convinced AF had arrived, and when I wiped, held my breath..I would let out a huge sigh when there was no blood, and say out loud "Thank you baby!!" Anyone outside the door would of thought I was nuts :shock: :rotfl:

It will soon pass, around 12 week for me though....xxxx
i had it too. i was worried sick at first. but it does pass. i now get the occasional pain, which i put down to my body changing and stretching :)
Yep I had those mild crampy pains too around weeks 5-7. I also did the checking toilet roll thingy too. (Must admit still do sometimes) :)

Hi Nikkif,

I've had af type pains for quite a few days now. They're different to normal ones somehow though and quite annoying.

I find I can cope with the during the day but as soon as I lie down to go to sleep they seem to get worse!! Had a terrible night last night. I'm hoping this is just initial stretching and it will die down soon (only if it's supposed to though, otherwise, bring it on!).

Are you still getting them now? And how many days have you had them for?


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