Is it just me??


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2008
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Or does anyone else actually dread going to bed now? :?

Even though Im totally wiped and love the thought of a good nights sleep I just know that Ill be up at least once every hour to pee and cos Im that thirsty when I wake up I cant get back to sleep unless I have a big drink so its a vicious circle :(

God Im such a moan just now I cant wait to meet my little girl and pee less :D
I'm exactly the same hun, going to bed is such a thought! I seem to be up every half hour now and rather than thinking ooh fab it's only 2am, I can't wait for morning so I can get up! Spend most of the day dozing off at my desk but full nights sleeps are just so uncomfortable!

no i hear ya hun...

last night i took a couple of paracetomol cos was runnin a temperature and head full of snot and actually managed flat out between 12 n 3.30am.. then it got me thinkin that praps braxton hicks are wakin me up in the night so i need a wee cos am awake.. so even though me cold seems to have vanished today am gonna take a couple of paracetomol tonight and see if i sleep better again...

i do dread goin to bed just cos it takes me bloody ages to get comfy of an evening lol - installed more cushionage last night n all which may have made a difference - was practically sittin up in bed cuddlin a great pile of cushions... felt like a new woman this morning though :)

Restful sweet dreams ladies :hug: xxxxx
I dread bed too! :(
Not that Im up so often, its just the hip and pelvic pain when I turn and I cant get comfy and heartburn and then I wake twenty times for nothing etc etc
I lie there contemplating getting on the sofa!
Yeah I have the constant toilet trips too, we've had to change sides of the bed so I'm nearer the door as sometimes my bladder doesn't give me enough time to walk all round the room without stubbing my toe on the bed, and across the landing!

I also have the vicious circle of needing a drink all the flipping time too... I get through 2litres of juice a night, or more to the point it gets through me :rotfl:

Sarah xxx
lea m said:
its just the hip and pelvic pain when I turn and I cant get comfy and heartburn

Ditto to this :( , only good thing about OH being away, at least Im not disturbing him :roll:
i don't exactly dread it, but it used to be a lot more enjoyable. i get boked by feet, hands & god knows what all night. i dont have to get up for the loo, ever really! cross my fingers i don't start having to! :pray:
I'm getting away with one loo trip a night, which is amazing considering I'm drinking about 1.5 litres of water during the night, thirst is so bad! Luckily bubs doesn't seem to move much at night either, it's just impossible to get comfortable! It's either heartburn, leg cramps, aching ribs, aching hips, sore back or shooting ouch ouch pain in my pubic area if my body decides to try and move itself.

S x
I'm slightly gobsmacked... i did the paracetomol thing last night before bed again and apart from one trip to the loo at half past 2 this morning i have slept like a baby all night! :shock: I'm not waking up from leg cramps or practice contractions or general ouchyness and feel so much better for good night's kip! I'd seriously recommend to anyone who's just generally waking up hourly n needin a wee... :hug: hope you all managed to get an ok night's sleep girls :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxx
I do, its a waste of time anyway as once im there i cant sleep :?
Oh how I miss those consatant trips to the loo NOT :lol: :lol: :lol:

Its a nightmare I remember only to well :lol:

At least you can say your on the home run now ladies.

i had midwife at 10am this morning so though, hey i can get a lay in!!


i cant sleep very good as it is, but then OH went to work at 7.30 (i was having to get up at 8.30) and OH then a friend txt me, so i didnt get back to sleep anyway :roll:
I dread the fact it's so uncomfortable in bed now and the fact that I have to spend all night in constant pain from carpal tunnel syndrome......roll on the next few weeks cuz at least the pain stops when baby is out!
im right there with you & the frequent loo trips...although i do find on the night i take paracetamol (even if only the one) i sleep a lot better & longer!
I really want a good, comfortable nights sleep!!!! It takes so long to get into a comfortable position, then if I need to turn over, it practically takes a crane to turn me!! Hubby doesnt even wake up anymore, he just helps me turn, gets my cushions in the right place & tucks me in without waking!!
Yes, I am due the same day as you and i hate going to bed at the moment. it seems that i wake up at 2.00am every morning and cant slep until 6.00am. I even got up last night and had two cups of tea with the dog (who was flat out!!!!) aghhhhh!

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