is it just me


Aug 24, 2008
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hiya girls ,

Is it just me or is it still normal to have emotional days at 25 weeks pregnant?

I have never been like this at all through my pregnancy , ive had no symptoms at all from the start but 2day i just feel awfully emotional.

Does any1 else feel like this

Amy xx
Yeh i'm like this every morning now.

Columbo made me cry this afternoon, Dick Van Dyke was the murderer!, it was all too much for me...
Yeah, I'm feeling very tearful, works getting to me just now. :(
When I was pregnant with my first I got very emotional around the middle of my pregnancy, especially after baby was viable, cos I think it dawned on me what a big deal this baby was and how my life was gonna change so much and the responsibility involved. :?

I was very tearful for a while :( , at nappy adverts, at no teabags left in the jar, you name it, I cried. I was also very snappy, but then would cry if anyone got cross with me :roll: . I was a mess, but it did get better, promise!
All the way through ive been great never had no sickness , no cravings havent been emotional once (except the day we found out ) but 2day i just wanna cry all the time lol. its just not me
Yep im rubbish at the moment, cry at everything and make a big deal out of the smallest of thing :roll:
i was like this but i havent been emotional for a while now, perhaps it will come back lol :D
well, I'm 24 wks and still a big cry baby. someone posted a pic of me on facebook the other day and I looked so awful that I cried so hard that I gave myself a headache :oops: .
Still crying like a baby. I watched Cool Runnings the other day (enough to make anyone cry I suppose) and sobbed like a baby at the end! :roll:

Also snappy and fly off the handle at anything - but if anyone so much as says the wrong word to me, I'll burst into floods. :wall: Even I can see I'm irrational! :oops:

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