Is he very slow at developing?

:D Hes just fine Hun...

Lil miss is an early talker but I couldn't really say she was talking until 6 months and that was only because she signed words and used the correct word/sound with it. As for walking... well you will easily find threads on here from me saying that I couldn't see lil miss walking till gone a year. She didn't sit properly unaided for a long time until she was 7 months old... 2.5 months later she took her first steps. :rotfl: Kids don't do things to a time table... he's only teeny still... at this age just enjoy having them not move :lol:
green bean can roll and sign for his bottle, that's it.
Rudy is fine, promise :) xx
My first daughter wasnt walking until 22 months! :lol: Lazy little monkey! She wouldnt sit unaided until she was about 7-8 months either! I was worried at the time but she was and is fine!

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