Is he very slow at developing?


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2007
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After reading about other babies that can stand and talk at Rudys age I am beggining to think he may be a very slow develpoer.

He can't even sit unaided and doesn't roll apart from the very odd occasion. And as for the begginings of speech, he only does a high pitch scream, which is quite funny but also a bit embarrasing if your out and about!!!

Am I doing something wrong. What can I do to help him reach these milestones? I really thought we were doing ok but now I'm doubting that. What could the reason for this be, if a baby of his age can stand and he can't even sit there must be soemthing wrong :(


Alex xxx
I can't see your ticker, remind us how old he is?
Well i know Rudy is younger than Callleigh and she aint rolling or saying anything yet either so dont worry. Calleigh probably started to sit unaided properly at 6 1/2 to 7 months (when she could sit for long periods withour falling)

Oh and the high pitched screaming is funny, then they find other noises which Calleigh seems to enjoy showing off in Tescos on the weekly shop. Must be the acoustics :lol:
He is 5 months old. I thought the ticker was only red crossing me, I must go and change it :wall:
charlie84 said:
Well i know Rudy is younger than Callleigh and she aint rolling or saying anything yet either so dont worry. Calleigh probably started to sit unaided properly at 6 1/2 to 7 months (when she could sit for long periods withour falling)

Oh and the high pitched screaming is funny, then they find other noises which Calleigh seems to enjoy showing off in Tescos on the weekly shop. Must be the acoustics :lol:

Tha makes me feel better, he hates tummy time which I think may be part of the not rolling thing.

Thanks :)
Aw, relax! He's tiny, and definitely not behind!

Although we're one family and no frame of reference, Stanley didn't sit until 6 months, wasn't a big roller and never crawled. He shuffled on his bum and walked at 14 months. He didn't really say anything until 18 months, but now speaks really well.

Babies of Rudy's age who are standing ( :shock: ) are unusual, not your boy.

I never considered Stanley a slow learner, they really do all go at their own pace.

It doesn't stop though. Now I'm thinking about potty training. Other kids his age are in pants, but Stanley is terrified of his potty, in case it eats his bum :rotfl:
there are 5 monthers talking???? :shock:

Stanley and his potty :rotfl: - he has a very valid fear there. Seren also had an aversion to her potty but she did find it made a rather fetching hat (and I thank my lucky stars she never wanted to use it then).

Seren was pretty late talking - now she never shuts up and I often get told what a great talker she is. Cally has sarted talking sooner but I wouldn't say she was more forward then Seren. You'll hear it a million times but every baby is different and I do miss having a baby who would stay where they were out as opposed to crawling under the christmas tree to open presents that do not belong to her (just said that last bit out loud and she has laughed in my face).

Seriously don't stress it. Cally only started standing at 7 months and staright away started cruising around the furniture. Seren was a late crawler but walked at 12 months - they all do it in their own time.
ASD123456 said:
charlie84 said:
Well i know Rudy is younger than Callleigh and she aint rolling or saying anything yet either so dont worry. Calleigh probably started to sit unaided properly at 6 1/2 to 7 months (when she could sit for long periods withour falling)

Oh and the high pitched screaming is funny, then they find other noises which Calleigh seems to enjoy showing off in Tescos on the weekly shop. Must be the acoustics :lol:

Tha makes me feel better, he hates tummy time which I think may be part of the not rolling thing.

Thanks :)

Oh yeah Calleigh has never been a fan of tummy time at all. She has slowly started to get used to short periods and i mean a matter of a minute or so. I dont see Calleigh becoming a crawler but maybe a bum shuffler, she seems to be able to shuffle herself around in a circle and a small distance (say a foot) but she is not aware she is doing it herself yet.

TBH i am hoping to get christmas out the way before i have a mobile baby :wink:
i never heard of any 5 month old walkers and talkers!!!
My LO didn't roll until she was 5 months old! She hasn't said anything either other than things by accident, we once had a 'Dada' (apparently) and says mamamama all the time but I know she doesn't know what it means :lol:
Ava cant sit up, is nowhere near standing & also only does the scream thing!!
Ellie didnt talk or walk till well after one so dont worry! :)
Hes not behind don't worry my dd rolled at 5 months (only back to front) she was not sitting up unaided till 7 months and only now am i confident to leave her with no cushion behind her. She does stand very well though but every baby is different im sure there are babys on here at 8/9 months that still don't sit unaided. We all have a habbit of comparing our babies to our friends but we shouldnt they are all different.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I can't say I've ever heard of a 5 month old walking and talking :shock: Tamzin says mama by accident at times but it's by no means talking! She's younger than Rudy but she's no where near rolling or anything yet so I'd say he's doing just fine! My son was quite advanced on his physical milestones but he had (and still hasn't) no real weight to him at all. They do things in their own time hun, I really wouldn't worry at all!
Ah thanks everyone, you've made me feel better. It's amazing the worry that comes with being a mother eh.

And Bloom your right, we compare our babies and really shouldn't. All that matters is that he is happy and healthy which I am pretty certain he is.

Alex xxx
I think when people have said their 5 month old is 'talking' they are not really :lol: What happens is that babies start making random noises, learning different sounds and so on and often those sounds happen to sound like words, for example 'mama'. Baby has no idea they are saying Mama, to them its random but to the adult its a word. Galen says that sound a lot, also one that sounds like Mummy and another, 'Eh' we could take to mean his is trying to say Eric (the dog). But we realise he is far to young to actually be saying words at 6 months, let alone at 5.

Sounds said by a baby that sound like words are pure luck at such a young age, but great for the parent to hear :)

Galen is an active baby and has been constantly frustrated by the limitations of his body since he was about 6 weeks old :roll: :lol: He knows what he wants to do but has to wait for his body to catch up. He was an early in lots of things and still is. He commado crawled early but then gave that up when he discovered that he could roll across a room at lot quicker :roll: He can crawl when he has to, forwards, backwards but he prefers to roll. He also has been sitting unaided for fair while. The last 6 weeks all he has wanted to do is stand :shock: And for the last 3 to try and take steps with support and now he wants to try it on his own and falls on his backside every time :doh: His latest thing is to be sitting on the sofa, then get onto his tummy, then turn round and have his feet hanging over the side of the sofa. He then wiggles till he feels himself starting to drop down and then bends properly so as to land feet first on the floor and be standing holding on to the sofa. He then gives a huge grin and lets go to try to walk :doh: Don't get me wrong, its wonderful to see him do all this and be so happy about it, but having a baby who is early with so many things isn't as great as people seem to think. Its sodding hard work and its a long long day of constant input and attention from me, even when he is sitting doing something on his own, I am vigilant. He doesn't want cuddles or to sit in a chair and watch the world. He is a doer and is always always into something or looking out the window watching the world. His mind never seems to rest and you can see his little brain whirring away taking everything in. He really is a handful. I often wonder what it would be like to have a baby who is not such an early developed baby. I'd not change him for the world but do sometimes wonder what a less active baby would be like :lol:
I wouldn't worry in the slightest!!!!
Ryan first rolled over when he was 6 months, sat unaided at 7/8 months, first word at 7 months (which is the only word he knows) and he NEVER stands on his feet and doesnt bum shuffle and isnt anywhere NEAR crawling yet!
Logan the same age as Rudy, he can't roll over. talking is also a scream, he has onyl learnt in the last two days to push his chest off the floor with his arms (even though according to one of my books he should have been doing this for the last two months).

Sitting unaided is non existant and there are loads of other things he can't do that soem other younger babies we know can. but as their mothers point out there are some thigns Logan can do that their children can't.

don't knock the lack of movment, imagine the baby proofing needed when he can crawl.

It's great to know he his normal, thak you everyone. It is so easy to compare babies with others and tbh it is silly, it's not a competition and it doesn't matter if your LO is a little slower. He is happy and sleeping through the night now too (after the most tiring few weeks of waking every hour) So woohoo for my boy, who likes to scream and sit in the same place all the time- haha!
hes not slow at all :? my son did exactly the same as yours at 5months. He couldnt sit totally unaided properly until 7months. he learnt to roll from front to back at 8.5months. He learnt to crawl on all fours last week! hes only just started being interested in his feet this week and theres no way he can stand on his own yet i have to hold his hands as hes too wiggly. Movement wise hes always been slower than some but far from behind. stop worrying! by the time hes 1 you'll wish he would just quietly lie in a bouncer again and not chase the hoover or wanna play with doors, constantly bang their heads climbing on things and crawl like a whippet when they wanna do something naughty!
Aww Alex he sounds fine to me, :hug: :hug: :hug:

TBH i wasn't convinced with the whole standing and talking thing, like Sherlock said they do say some words (Tally said mama once) but they don't know they're saying it, it's entirely coincidental, and she has once pulled her self up to standing but she's many months off of standing alone

My niece hated tummy time last time i saw her, she screamed when we laid her down, but she's not a slow developer.

He's also a big boy so it may take him longer to build that strength to move around, or he may just be one of those babies who doesn't really want to be doing other things yet and less that he's not able.

TBH it's only the past week or so i've really learnt to let go of this whole "competition" thing for babies, my mum said she felt they pushed me to do things rather then just enjoying me being little, i don't wanna do the same to Tally, so as long as she does learn things i'm not going to bother looking at when she should be or if other babies do it earlier. I'm sure he's absolutely fine but if you are concerned you could always mention it to the HV next time you go i'm sure they'll be able to reassure you.

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