Is he on drugs on what!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Richard got back from his business trip last night. We did the whole i missed you thing and then once we settled down to go to sleep he rolls over and says............

I think we should start trying for another baby!

And i said

fuck off and go to sleep.

This morning he mentioned that he was serious last night and we should talk about it.

Here's the problem.....

I DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT! Its not happening, simple as that. I dont even care if that makes me sound like a bitch. My daughter is 5 months old and I want to be able to enjoy her. I do not want to be pregnant again while I have a young baby. I'm not even sure i want to be pregnant again ever. I love my little girl with all my heart but i hated pregnancy. I dont want to do it again especially not so soon. Yes i may change my mind about that at some point but i know its not going to happen for a long time yet.

I just hope Richard can understand where I'm coming from.
awww hun im sure he will understand. just remind him that it isnt him that has to carry a baby for 9 months and it isnt him that has to go through excruicating (spel?) pain giving birth!

hope your ok babes :D :hug:
Mel, you're entirely justified in your actions its YOUR BODY!!!

anyhows i did love your f**k off and go to sleep...would of said exactly the same to DH
its ur decision at the end of the day, if ur happy just havin Thea then dont have anymore!!
loved the comment to OH by the way lol :rotfl: :rotfl:
I'm pretty sure he'd understand that you don't want to do it yet. My hubby went through a stage of this and now it's faded. Thing is I'm now ready and he isn't haha. Men get ideas all the time! Just talk it over with him again if he brings it up and explain how you feel. At the end of the day it's your body that does all the work and then a lot of the work when they're born!
:shock: Blimey I think I would have thought OH was on drugs too lol not many men are like that :lol:

Do what you feel is right for you, your the one who has to carry the baby, feed Thea and be a full time mum to two. Its a hard job looking after two in nappies, I personaly wouldnt totaly say its a no no and have a very good think and look at pros and cons.

But thats my choice, you follow your own :)
men never cease to amaze me, they use the royal WE alot, as in WE should try for another baby! easy for them they get their jollies whilst we have nine months of sheer hell then we get the lovely experience of labour which is a blast such a great time whiulst they hold our hands and ask the stupid question "are you ok?" THEN after their standard 2 weeks paternity leave they go back to work leaving us to take sole responsibility for the baby and then we have the added bonus of listening to just how hard their day was at work as if we have sat on our backsides all day, yes that royal WE is fantastic,
Stick to your guns Mel, you know what's right :D

I LOVED being pregnant, it's the mum part I'm finding tough. :? I get broody every so often but luckily OH is adamant we should enjoy Stanley for the moment and think about another in the future. :D

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