is confidence the key?


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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do u think only slim girls can get away with wearin short dresses/shorts etc?
or do u think bigger girls with confidence look just as sexy?
im just wonderin as my oh says that confidence is whats sexy and not the body shape....i think he wrong tho lol what do u think? :think:
I think its a combination of the two. Bigger girls can wear shorts etc as long as they get the right size and do stuff like layering or wear with tights and carry it off with confidence!

I think the only time i see bigger girls get it wrong or tbh just girls in general is when they wear stuff thats too small for them so flesh kinda bulges out in places so it aint very flattering and makes em look bigger than they are. As I say that can be applied to all girls not just bigger girls. I also think the one or the other rule is important. I.e. legs out or cleavage, not both.

Confidence is about feeling good and knowing you look good and you see so many girls wearing what they think they should wear as opposed to what they actually look good and feel comfy in. Result is they look uncomfortable, tug at their clothes all the time to hitch em up or pull em down and then they dont feel confident anyway....god i ramble!! lol
jens hit the nail on the head!!

but... the issue i have with bigger lady clothes is they are tent! they hang is the most unflattering way. When ever i buy tops i always end up having to take them in in places to make them fit better.

Heals, stockings and sexy undies are the best confidence boost, regardless if they are all that is being worn, or under clothes!
I agree with Jen also!!

Women are the ones that worry about their own body image much more than the men who look at them, and there is nothing sexier than a woman who is comfortable in her skin and knows how to dress for her shape - whatever shape that may be :)
Jen&James said:
I think its a combination of the two. Bigger girls can wear shorts etc as long as they get the right size and do stuff like layering or wear with tights and carry it off with confidence!

I think the only time i see bigger girls get it wrong or tbh just girls in general is when they wear stuff thats too small for them so flesh kinda bulges out in places so it aint very flattering and makes em look bigger than they are. As I say that can be applied to all girls not just bigger girls. I also think the one or the other rule is important. I.e. legs out or cleavage, not both.

Confidence is about feeling good and knowing you look good and you see so many girls wearing what they think they should wear as opposed to what they actually look good and feel comfy in. Result is they look uncomfortable, tug at their clothes all the time to hitch em up or pull em down and then they dont feel confident anyway....god i ramble!! lol

I agree

There are some things big girls just cant get away with though, like short short shorts
I think anyone can look good it all depends on what you wear and how it fits. Big girls can look terrible in short clothes same as skinny girls can look terrible in short clothes too! I hate seeing people squeezing into clothes that are too small for them. :doh:
well i agree with all of the above.I was a size 20 for about 5 years from when i was about 17.i hated my size and starved myself to be a size 10.although i was happy being a size 10 i looked ill it just wasnt me the only way i could look like that was to literally survive one an orange or apple and 1 yoghurt a day.i went up to a size 20 after id had kiara and i was pretty miserable with it.i did try to diet but well depression,and junk food got the bettter of me.ive had caden and im a size 18 now and ive come to the conclusion as long as i dont kid myself im a supermodel and i dress accordig to my age/size etc then i should learn to live with the person i am.its tok me a long time to feel comfortable and sometimes like if i meet new people etc i think god they will just see a big blob but then i think well actually i dont know anyone that shallow.and plus my OH still fancies the pants of me :lol: does that answer thequestion?or have i just waffled?i think self confidence comes from self acceptance to a certain degree.
what jen said. curvier girls in coulourful,well fitting clothes= hot. in tight clothes plus muffin tops,not hot.
yeah jus dress for ur body shape, cant go wrong then :wink:

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