Is anyone elses partner ready to kill them?


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2008
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my other half is getting the brunt of all my hormones going mental, and as a result i am being a right cow. He has also said that all i talk about now is baby and how im feeling etc, but since this is something ive wanted forever its kinda hard not to!
Anyone else having the same problems? i think id explode if i didnt talk to someone about it, and thank god for this forum! only got 6 more weeks till i get to the magic 12 weeks, but if i cant talk about it this is going to seem like 6 months!


he'd better get used to the whole baby obsession 'cos he ain't seen nothing yet! He's got at least 18 years of major obsession ahead of him- probably more like a lifetime! My OH complained about it during my first pregnancy too because really, it wasn't happening in his view in a way, he wasn't pregnant and it wasn't something he thought about constantly. To be honest I think he was too scared to think of the baby actually being here- I couldn't really imagine it either in a lot of ways. After our 20 week scan he started to really imagine it (and got more freaked out about it!) but the moment he arrived he was a fabulous baby-obsessed Dad. Seeing my OH holding Elliott on his lap after I'd given birth (my mum was my birth partner as OH was too squeamish) is probably the most treasured moment of my life, I could actually see him falling in love, it was incredible. I kind of felt like I was already in love with Elliott as I'd been so physically close all that time but for my OH it was as if he hadn't existed until that point.

I'm basically a stay at home mum now and so most of my conversation is toddler based, I try and think of other things to say but it's hard! I think we've both got used to it now but it was a shock to start with. He'll get used to it hun but meanwhile you have us! I tried to only go on in obsessive details on here but I remember being in a taxi with two friends of ours when I was about 6 months gone and one of them asked me if I'd had any side-effects from being pregnant and before I could open my mouth my OH had listed about 30 things (thankfully missing out the most embarrassing ones!) and I realised that I couldn't help but go on about it! :rotfl:

My partner is suffering, mostly silently (which is MOST unlike him. He's usually so opinionated!). I have turned into a real cow, he says i hardly smile anymore (how sad is that? Its the constant nausea and worry..) but he IS being very supportive, making me snacks, being very sweet and biting his tongue and awful lot!!

I on the other hand am absolutely vile to him one minute, then in floods of tears about it minute later. Proper rollercoaster of emotions. We've only been married six weeks, so the poor guy pulled the really short straw. His lovely bride has buggered off and been replaced with a bloated, moaning old goat!
aww babes. i can remember being like that with my OH. i burst into tears one day cuz he put my curry on top of my rice and i wanted it beside my rice lol. i felt so sorry for him cuz i was such a moody cow, i really was evil. atleast u know its not just you and that its perfectly normal to feel like that in early pregnancy. and to be honest our OH's will just have to put up with it and be thankful they dont have to give birth to the LO's themselves!!! hehe :hug:
Oh hell yes... im crabby and acting like a right arse and even tho I try and stop I cant :oops: the feeling tired all the time and hormones is really taking its tole on me :lol: poor thing..... and he seems to think all I talk about it baby stuff :lol:
My lovely husband came home from a hard day at work and sent me to bed to lie down for an hour last night! I though ooooh how nice of him but to be honest I think he wanted a rest from my whinging for an hour :rotfl: :rotfl:
my OH keeps asking me if its going to be like this for 9 month :lol: which makes me start on the rant of, "you dont feel how I feel" and "I wish you could feel like this"

I still dont think he cant take it in to be honest, I mean it must be hard for the men cause they aren't pregnant....

still doesnt mean im always nice to him tho and have really turned into a cow bag at the min and my fav hobby seems to be winging :lol:

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