Is anyone else struggling to lie on the left side?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2008
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I know we should lie on the left side when sleeping. Recently I have been finding this particularly tricky. I often wake up with my left hip hurting and have to turn to the right side. :think:

I have also been waking up more and more often lying on my back. I know we shouldn't be lying on our backs, but for some reason that feels far more comfortable as it doesn't put any pressure on the hips. I do turn on the left side though but then I can feel the pressure and find it hard to fall asleep. :wall:

Is anyone else having the same issue? Any tips on how to lie on left side more comfortably? I have a pillow between my legs and I usually have my left leg straight and right bend and resting on the pilllow.

I am telling myself that this is a good sign as it must mean that the labour is getting closer and that perhaps the baby is engaging further causing the pain. (Not to mention the numerous visits to the loo, but then I tell myself that I need to get used to waking up many times at nights as will need to feed the baby soon...)
:hug: :hug:
I '*try* and stay on my left side but it never works! I woke up on my back this morning! I guess all we can do is try! But you're right, it's not very comfortable, role on the time when i can belly sleep once more!
Oh yes - I was a VERY devoted tummy sleeper!!!!

I cannot wait to do that again :cheer: Mind though I wonder how soon after giving birth we can do that??? Don't tell me that next we need to worry about leaking boobs or something. I want my tummy time back!!!
I normally have to change position at least once an hour because of the pain. Just because there is an optimal position for sleeping it doesn't mean you can't sleep any other way so don't worry.

Sometimes I find it more comfortable to sleep on my side if I have a pillow at my back as well as one holding up my breasts and bump. You should see how many pillows I sleep with now! :rotfl:

As for sleeping on your back, if bits of you start to go numb it's time to move but otherwise don't worry. If you are worried, the physio recommended making sure you have lots of pillows at your head so your shoulders are slightly elevated and also putting pillows under your knees so your legs aren't straight, if you see what I mean.

:hug: :hug:
Im the same
i naturally prefer my right side but since i saw the Mid wif last week
ive tried lying on my left side
we swapped the bed around and now our sleeping at the bottom so imstil face the door if wed simply swapped sides i would have had to climb over james if i needed to get up
i was worried the pillows would fall of the bed but luckly thay have not. :D

the first night i woke up in the morning and my whole left arms was in pure agony
took ages for the circulation to go back to normal
but each night its got less painful and im staying on that side
though i still feel more comfy on my right.

hope the same happens for you hun
I'm the same. I seemed to manage it for a while but now I'm waking up on my back again as much as I try to go to sleep on my left. If OH wasn't in the bed I would be completely spreadeagled. :rotfl:

Seems to make BH worse when I lie on my left (even with pillows between my legs and under bump) and I'm in agony if I have to get up from lying on my right.
Thanks for your replies.

Kalia - thanks for the tip. I def try to have more pillows at head. I think I may have to buy more now as I am running out of them!!!! My mum is coming for a visit on Monday and I just don't have any extra pillows for her!!! :rotfl:

Georgie Lass - we also swapped sides in the bed so that I can get out without having to turn (if I sleep on the left side if you know what I mean). I have manage to drop pillows though :oops:

Daftscotslass - my OH travels a lot so I often have the bed to myself. He complains when he is back though that I sleep like a star (I don't think the masses of pillows is helping - thankfully we have a king size bed though) :rotfl:
It is funny you should post this. I have quite a lot of difficulty on my left, but not just because of hip pain (I get that on both sides :roll: )
When I lie on my left I become very very aware of the blood rushing around my body (I think because it can flow better on the left). My heart feels as though it is beating faster and I feel a bit dizzy. It is an odd sensation and one I am not comfortable with. Sometimes I try and relax and persevere, but more often than not, I just turn over to the good ol' right!
Also, once your mum has left, take the spare duvet and sleep with it under you. The extra padding for your hip to sink into should mean it takes longer for it to get as sore, if you see what I mean. Get OH to shake it out every day - it makes a big difference to me if I sleep on a puffed up duvet :D
Happybunny - I can 'hear' my heartbeat when on my left side. This is apparently normal in pregnancy (do they call it palpitations?). At first, I felt uneasy with it, but am pretty used to it by now as I convince myself that it is nothing to worry about. I think the bottom line is that if we really feel uncomfortable lying on the left we should not force it!

Kalia - you are definitely trying to evict my OH from my bed all together, haha!!!! Having a duvet under me sounds like a good idea, hope it doesn't make my OH's space even less in the bed :oops: Don't you get hot though? I am already overheated in a bed as I try not to have the bedroom too cold for OH's sake (he already sleeps with an extra blanket which is funny as before being pregnant it was me who was always cold).
I rotate, start on right and then every time I go for a wee in the night I flip over with the body pillow, wedge my bump into it and my top leg over it. Then rotate back to the other side the next time. I always tilt slightly forwards over the body pillow and never roll onto my back.

I have never slept the entire night through on my left or right side. Since bump got big I always rotate as I find both my hips hurt by about 3am even if I've not been lying on one of them. Rotating keeps the pressure off. I find the long body pillow better than masses of smaller pillows tbh. I had to sit on it for a week on the sofa to flatten it down but its been brilliant since then.

Sleeping on your back is iffy I am told as it puts pressure on your circulation etc and means your blood supply is not flowing as it should be etc and this is not considered good. If both my hips are aching I tend to get up for a few minutes and take the pressure off them. I then sit upright in bed propped well forward with pillows rather than lie on my back. I find after 20 minutes in a totally changed position I can lie back down and hip pain passes. It does come back much later on in the night/morning though, but again, rotating means its not as bad as trying to stay on one side all night.

BTW being able to hear your heartbeat isn't a palpitation :)
I normally wake up on my back, and find my right side more comfy for some reason
BabyMagic said:
Kalia - you are definitely trying to evict my OH from my bed all together, haha!!!! Having a duvet under me sounds like a good idea, hope it doesn't make my OH's space even less in the bed :oops: Don't you get hot though? I am already overheated in a bed as I try not to have the bedroom too cold for OH's sake (he already sleeps with an extra blanket which is funny as before being pregnant it was me who was always cold).

I sleep on top of 2 spare single quilts and on top of the king size duvet, while OH sleeps under the other half of the duvet :D I just have a thin blanket on top of me. I have a dream-geni pillow but I don't like it that much any more so it often just lies beside me or between my legs. I have many pillows at my head (because I'm already raised on top of 3 duvets :oops: ) one at my back, a cushion for bump and a cushion for breasts. If I stretch really far I might be able to hold OH's hand :rotfl:

Sherlock - don't worry too much about lying on your back. Both my midwife and physio have said it's OK (with the advice in my post above).
Haha - I would like to see your bed Kalia!!!! It must be pretty expensive to have so many duvets! Not sure if I had enough space to store them :rotfl:

I think I have been far too sensible with pillows and duvets. In fact, I better go shopping straight away to get heaps more!!!! :rotfl:

That is a great idea to only have a thin blanket (I was worried that it was only me who feels that the bed is like a sauna!!!)

i have trouble with my left as well, I end up on my right oftne and move alot. I have 4 pillows behind my head, one under bump and one behind my back, gawd, what did they do in the olden days when they slept on the floor or wooden benches, use straw for padding? must have been awful
Sherlock said:
I had to sit on it for a week on the sofa to flatten it down but its been brilliant since then.

That's a good tip, I find it difficult with my body pillow as it's too puffy, I'll try and flatten it, shouldn't take long with my butt!!! :lol:

I always try and start on my left my wake up on my right as my hip gets sore too.
i wouldnt worry too much. i could never get into lying on my left, in fact i slept on my back pretty much the whole pregnancy which i know isnt recommended but my LO ended up in the perfect position with not a birthing ball in sight either!
Thank you all for your replies. :hug:

I had the best night for ages! My OH thought I had gone a bit bonkers though as I geared the bed with every pillow plus many cushions. I had an extra pillow at my head and an extra duvet under me (which was extremely useful to hug as well!). I only had a thin blanket over me so I didn't get hot either!

And no, I didn't even attempt to sleep on my left side. I was happy on both sides - with all the pillows I wouldn't have had enough space to sleep fully on my back which is good thing!

What a bliss - it is SO nice to wake up after a good night sleep. (I wasn't able to avoid the dozen trips to the loo but I don't think there is anything we can do about that, or is there??? :think: )

My OH said he even heard be snoring for the very first time - well that must be a sign of deep sleep!

The moral of this story is MORE PILLOWS THE MERRIER.

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