Is anyone else on their own..


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2013
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I don't necessarily mean single etc but I just mean every evening I'm on my own with oscar as hubby works away in the week and I don't know why but I feel more lonely now, it's ridiculous! Before having oscar I was on my own every night and loved it! I also feel on edge all the time. Do you think it's just because I am hoping he stays asleep so anxious that he might wake? And maybe feel I can't relax completely or just chill out because I'm waiting for him to stir and spring into action? Anyone else feel like this? 21 days until hubby is back on british soil! Please go quickly!
My hubby comes home every evening and I feel like this so hats off to you least you have reason to feel like this I don't! I hate night time,I don't know why cause generally for her age she's a good sleeper but I get anxious and even now she's asleep and my hearts going :/ I'm really lonely too,again even with Oh coming home at night. During the days horrible,I'm too used to being at my work and having quite an active social life, now I don't really have much at all cause I obv can't do what my friends here are doing. Im in the middle.of.putting my house on the market to move back closer to my parents and friends, I just hope to god it sells,if it doesn't I.don't know what I'll do. And that's stressing me out too!

Like I said i think you're amazing, I don't know how I'd cope being alone all week xx
Ugh that's rubbish. My partner works til very late every evening (gets home between 10:30 and midnight usually) and I'm lucky in that my parents have recently moved up the road so now I spend evenings with them...this is only recent though, for the first few weeks with my baby I was alone all day and evening and I'd also get very anxious and lonely after a certain point in the day.

Oscar's just started sleeping better just recently, hasn't he? Hopefully once you're more used to him sleeping well, you won't feel so much like he might wake at any second?

No advice really, just wanted to say I have an inkling of what it's like and I hope things get better! xx
My son is 2 and still find night times an anxious time and I have my OH with me all the time now as he works from home. Tonight my son has woken with croup and he has a combination of issues which ultimately boil down to teething - all of it makes me all the more anxious at nighttime.

I'm generally an anxious person anyway. I can usually something to worry about :-(

I think you are doing really well :-)
Thanks everyone, nice to know its kind of a normal feeling then! I can't believe he's been asleep since 7! He stirred once for more milk at 8 as he hasn't drank much today but he never actually opened his eyes he was just crying! Been out for the count ever since but I can't stop staring at the monitor and creeping around even though I know he can't hear me from his room! Crazy! I hope things get less stressful for us ladies! I have a feeling they don't though!
I'm not on my own in the evenings generally but would find it very stressful and lonely if I was. It's only natural to feel that way. Not being able to relax and enjoy your evening would put anyone on edge. Esp when you've had him all day. Its exhausting !Hope the time passes quick til he's home xx
I'm on my own a lot at night times as hubby works shifts including back and night shifts. I hate it! When S was up in the night it was defo worse. Id feel physically sick with anxiety at the thought of being sooo tired and her getting up in the night. It does get better at times tho. Are you on fb? A group of us are in a chat that might help at night time x
My oh is a farmer so in summer he works very long days so I am left to sort out lo from nursery, tea time bath time bed time most evenings

Like you it's been normal for so many years but now I find it more lonely! Think it's cos before I'd pop to gym, see friends/family in evenings but now I am confined to a house as lo is in bed!

To advice really just wanted to say your doing amazing and your not alone!
I am on Facebook, what's the group called that you're in? I'm already in one called September mummies. I think that's what the problem partly is, before I had the choice to come and go if I felt like it but now you don't! Had a perfect night with him though! Asleep by 8 woke at 3 full bottle of milk then slept until I woke him at 8.15! Full of smiles and playing on his mat, defo pyjama day today, weather is awful!
Wow he has had a good night. That's exactly how Oliver sleeps 7-8 down then bottle about 3 and up between 7:30-8. Think you cracked it lady :)
On the other issue my oh is army and I know exactly how it feels hun and having a baby deffo makes it worse. He works away on a 4 on 4 off and used to stay on the base for those 4 days. Now he is commuting so he can come home but only see him for like an hour before he is in bed. It's a set of days then a set of nights ect and the night shifts are worse as like you say confined to the house it does get more lonely where as when he is on days we go out. Maybe look into a hobby that would occupy your mind a bit. I purposely didn't buy a video monitor as I knew I would just stare at it. I just have a normal one and I know I will hear him if he needs me. You might find now he is sleeping better you will relax more xxx
It's not a group just a chat. PM your name and I'll add you c

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