is any one......?


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011
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hiya guys

just a little thread on anyone who is finding it hard to cope with TTC any emotional problems let em loose here.

me n OH have been trying for so long i'm thinking of giving up.

it's been so hard the last few weeks i've got to deal with all the women around me getting pregnant and it being shoved in my face i've just found out that my boss is now pregnant and i'm supposed to just smile and get on with my job.

i'm starting to wonder why i even bother trying to have what i want because it's always me that there is a problem with. i have never been regular in my life and now when it matters the most i've had 3 consecutive months when i've had nothing not even a twinge (i used to suffer very bad with period pain)

OH is telling me to calm down and stop thinking about it and getting myself upset about it, but it's not that easy when you want something so bad.

has any one else been or got like this?
yes, i feel exactly the same hun, everyone around me seems to be pregnant plus i work in a nursery full of babies which makes it harder and then theres everybody saying "ooh when is it your turn?" feel like sayin "oh piss off". ive just started having blood tests to see what the problem is so im hoping that will shed some light on things. try and keep your chin up, it'll be your turn on day :) xxx
I'm here too. It seems that everyone around me is getting pregnant and having successful pregnancies. Maybe it's because of my MC in January that it just seems that way and more in my face. DH tells me that it'll happen when it's the right time but I want it to be the right time NOW. xx
There's 4ppl preg in work at the mo and I have to smile an bear it!! Due to gossips they all know I'm ttc so it's crap they keep saying ohh it could be you too soon x

1 of the girls put a complaint in against me too- saying I was jelous of her pregnancy and being horrible to her - I was fuming!! I've never got on with her an now she's pregnant she tries to be nasty :(
There's 4ppl preg in work at the mo and I have to smile an bear it!! Due to gossips they all know I'm ttc so it's crap they keep saying ohh it could be you too soon x

1 of the girls put a complaint in against me too- saying I was jelous of her pregnancy and being horrible to her - I was fuming!! I've never got on with her an now she's pregnant she tries to be nasty :(

Woe, what a bitch!! That's horrible and really nasty. It amazes me how nasty some women can be to each other, so sad as we all know how hard ttc is xxx
yeah i know what ur saying girls, i kinda broke down yesterday, OH didn't even realise what it means to me, he wants kids don't get me wrong but he just doesnt realise that i've been waiting so long to start trying, and when i got pregnant last year and MC it killed me, it's ok for him because he can have kids at any time in his life and i only get a few short years to try and have a family. ever since i got married i keep getting people say when are the kids coming along and i have to walk away because i know i'm going to break down in to tears. glad i've got tests on monday so it's a start.
There's 4ppl preg in work at the mo and I have to smile an bear it!! Due to gossips they all know I'm ttc so it's crap they keep saying ohh it could be you too soon x

1 of the girls put a complaint in against me too- saying I was jelous of her pregnancy and being horrible to her - I was fuming!! I've never got on with her an now she's pregnant she tries to be nasty :(

i know that feeling there was a girl at my work (i work in a kitchen if you didnt know) and she was really horrible and she started boasting about her pregnancy just after i miscarried so i just never used to speak to her (but it's never a good idea to piss somone off when they've got a knife in their hand) people like that shouldnt be allowed to have kids, the girl who i worked with she smoked everyday and drank all the way through her pregnancy and she had a healthy baby (doesnt mean i like her any more) just give up trying to do everything right,
We are nurses think shed know better but noooooo!!
I said to my boss if I was really jealous of her pregnancy the other 3 would feel the same- funny enough they didn't seem to have a problem so she was told by the boss that it's her hormones and to show some compassion!!
So I told boss to if she's gona tell tales then she should stop scanning the baby with our heart equipment and stop putting monitor on when she has "palpitations"!!
Yep feel like that right now! Im on cd 52 and been getting cramps and bloated the last 3 weeks like im going to come on GRRR :mad:.. This is my longest ever cycle! And OH sis is due in the next few weeks, but we dont talk never got on with each other! I think when your trying everyone seems to be pregnant.. Have you tryed Agnus Castus hun? Ive read lots of sucess srories about it xx
I found it really hard over Autumn/winter as my office was FULL of pregnant women, but now there's only one (big office) and it's a little easier at work.

I think how I feel about things varies through the month. It's hardest during my period, then about a week before ov, then the middle of the 2ww. dont' know if that's psychological or hormonal, but I've really seen it change. (currently coming up to ov and feeling positive where a week ago I was convinced we'd never get there)
Hey ladies,

I'm finding it hard too, only been trying for 3 cycles but have long cycles, light periods and short luteal phase so I'm just worrying and telling myself something is wrong with me. Hubby says it will happen and to let my body re adjust but I hate the 2ww, pressure of bd'ing (he always says how we will do it loads then I know he can't really be bothered some night so i think he isn't as bothered as much) I'm hating work too (long story) and just feel stuck in a rut.

Sounds like you ladies work with some right bitches. I know it's tough but we have each other and we will all get there in the end xx
Have you tryed Agnus Castus hun? Ive read lots of sucess srories about it xx

spoke to doctor about it when i went a fortnight ago, but they said not to try anything until i get my period, but when that is i dont know. me and OH keep trying but because i work nights and very early mornings and he works during the day i hardly ever see him, he wanted it last night got into bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow i passed out! lol :nap:

but when me and OH decided to start trying for a baby we never ever imagined it was going to be this hard or that we'd have this many problems but we are determined that this is right for us and i'm confident in my relationship.

i keep getting people asking when i'm going to have a family and it's like well i'm trying!!! :wall2:
Have you tryed Agnus Castus hun? Ive read lots of sucess srories about it xx

spoke to doctor about it when i went a fortnight ago, but they said not to try anything until i get my period, but when that is i dont know.

Yeah hun you should wait till your period arrives.. I hope she comes soon for you! I bought AC and start taking it 2 weeks before my period was due ( stupid me!) and she still hasnt arrived! Ix
yeah i do too because i just want this cycle to end, i want to know where i am because it's all confusing at the moment,

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