Is AF just messing me about - 1 day then gone??


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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As some of you know I came off the pill about five weeks ago now.

I'd been having a dragging feeling from my ovaries and period like cramps. A few days later I got a tiny amount of brigh red blood, followed by only small amounts of brown blood. This started Friday and today I just have a very fawn, more cream CM.

Do you think this is just my body trying to get back to normal??
Could be hun, I know a few ladies on here have had weird bleeds since coming off the pill so think its probably just your body adjusting. Having said that, when I came off in April last year, my cycle luckily kicked in straight away, although I do remember my first AF was very short. Were you on it a long time?
I've kinda been on and off it for about eighteen months. I've been a bit random with taking it etc.

Stomach feels bloated, which I guess it always does with AF.

Shall I just carry on as normal and see what happens or do you think I should do a test? I'm not in any rush to test, but I lead a lifestyle which would need to change if I were pregnant such as I rally drive some weekends.
Probably just wait a bit longer and see what happens. Other thing that crossed my mind was an IB, although I've never had one so not sure if you get bright red blood :think: but might be worth doing a test in a few days time.
It does sound like your body may be adjusting, although shouldnt take too long if you were only on it for 18 months (I was on it 18 years and luckily my body returned back to normal first month off it).

Many ladies get a short AF or equally a really heavy long AF first month off the pill.........

I guess time will tell and enjoy your rally driving whilst you can :D
Hiya, I came off the pill in April after being on it for nearly 15 years. I have had really mixed up cycles since and AF has become very light and I get a lot of brown blood (tmi!) before and after it. I am still waiting for it to settle down so I am sure what you are experiencing is normal. Just give it a while longer, I am on my 6 month now and don't even think I'm ovulating yet :( so although some women are really lucky and their bodies go back to normal, some can take a while like me. I don't think I'll be getting a bfp anytime soon, but I've stopped stressing about it, I am sure it will happen when it's meant to.

Good luck hun! :hug:

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