Is a six week wait between check ups normal?


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2006
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Hello ladies, hope you are all well me dears!

Had Midwife appointment today and really wanted a chat but she wasn't my normal midwife and I didn't feel comfortable chatting to her which is a bugger as starting to get really anxious and would have been nice to discuss some of my concerns with her. Everything is going great with baby and they don't want to see me for another six weeks, I'm already thrity weeks, is this normal at this stage to have such a gap between appointments? Also have not got Ante-Natal classes till week 37 and visit to the hospital booked for week 38, this seems to be cutting it fine to me? Getting worried as getting to the stage where a little support and info would be welcome and the NHS don't seem to be forthcoming! Feeling VERY unprepared!

Can you girlies let me know whats normal in your part of the world out of interest?

Keep blooming!

Kat x
You can ring your hospital and ask to have a tour sooner if you like, most hospitals have a tour each week.
You can book an appointment to see your midwife whenever you want to. And past 30 weeks you should be seeing them every 2-3 weeks. If I were you i would book another appointment. My antenatel clases were when I was late 20 weeks, which was lucky as I only got to 34 weeks, but 37 weeks is cutting it close. Can you book an appointment or ring you MW/GP surgery to ask if your classes can be brought forward?
Thanks for the reply Sami, have to admit that getting more and more worried about the standard of care offered in this city! I questioned the dates I was given but they assured me it was pretty standard. Not sure what to believe anymore! God I wish I could give birth somewhere else! Kx
You can choose to changes hospitals and midwives whenever you want. I ended up having my sonin a hospital 45minutes away from me (long story though!) but you can have your baby whetrever you want to and under the midwife you want.
Good luck hun x
i had check ups every 4 weeks. i had eva three weeks early and i didnt have info about pain relief etc cos the antenatal class about that was the night i went into labour - typical!

its best to find out all you need to know as early as possible so you can relax and feel more comfortable with everything that is happening. your body changes daily when you are preggars!
mine are vevery six weeks i think. :) then the nearer i get to due the time between lessens.
mine at the moment are every 2-3 weeks from 35 weeks it will go to weekly though
I would of thought you should be seeing your MW every 2/3 weeks. Im seeing mine in 2 weeks which will be 3 weeks in total and then after that it will be every 2 weeks until 36 weeks and then every week

I had my check ups at 28wks 32wks then my next is at 36wks (so 6weeks apart is a bit to far apart I think) my antenatal classes were set over 3 weeks starting from 32wks, but my hospital do a weekly tour on a sunday so ring your hospital and ask!
Hope all goes well
To be honest I think 6 weeks is too big a gap, I'd ring your regular MW and ask to see her sooner.
Sounds like a big gap to me. I'm still seeing mine every 4 weeks at the moment, I thought it might be less than that at this stage.

Everywhere is so different.
from 20 to 30 i saw the MW twice... i had my 30 week anti natal yesterday and they have now booked me in for one every 2 weeks until i get to week 36... then it's one a week. I started my parent craft class yesterday too... everyone there was past me... we're all due July - i'm the last one in July... i'd think you would have done our hospital visist by the time your 35... call the hospital

Since I was 30 weeks I have to see my midwife every 2weeks and then every week from 36weeks - even tho everything has been fine with me and the baby.

I had the midwife today and was aking about ante natal classes was told I should get a letter in next week about it - so I think I'll be 36weeks when I go. I was concerned with this and spoke to my friend who had a baby last year and she said she started her ante natal classes at 37weeks and was the least pregnant one there!!

I think it all depends on your health services in your area.

S. xx
I can't believe how much it seems to differ from one area to the next, I have heard that Hampshire is not the best and its been good to hear that its not just me! Here we only get one scan at sixteen weeks, I didn't even get to see a midwife until I was eighteen weeks preggers (two weeks after my scan!!!) and I have only seem a midwife five times in my entire pregnancy including two emergency appointments! I suppose if everything is fine there is no point, its just so difficult with a first pregnancy to know what to expect and I just wish they could give me a little more time and advice, especially as I'm getting more and more worried, its the fear of not knowing that's the worst!

I am so thankful for this site I don't know what I would do with out you ladies, your advice has been invaluable and you are all so brave, hopefully it will rub off on me!

Kat x

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