is 9 hours between night bottles ok at 6 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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Well after taking possibly bad advice from mil we decided to hold off her 830 bottle a little in the hopes she might sleep a little longer in the morning,

we only left it half a hour and fed her at 9 and put to bed at 930, she woke as normal at 330 and changed her but she didnt want her bottle, i put her back down and she started to grunt at 530 and cried for her bottle at 6

think i want to go back to the 830 anyway but is 9 hours too long at that age or is it ok? it didnt make any difference to get get up time anyway as she was still wide awake the same as always

not sure why she woke up if she wasnt hungry, can they just wake out of habbit? she wasnt dirty and nappys dont normally bother her at all when just wet?

so confused over the whold night time thing,

after talking to mil yesterday i was convinced i had done it all worng gettin her down earlier but think i was right all along
I personally think it is too long, we wake harrison up to feed him in the night coz I read that hunger doesnt wake babies up but cud be that some babies are hungrier than others!!
thats the thing i tried to give her bottle at 330 which was 6.5 hours but she just wouldnt take it, i assumed she would wake again at about 430 but she didnt,

think il go back to 8/830 tonight n hopefully she will take it at 3
As long as you offer it to them then its ok, harrison doesnt take much at night but I do worry about leaving him too long between feeds as when they do feed they take it too quick and get trapped wind!! How much does you little one weigh? We got told that when harry was 9lb 12oz then he had to have 6 feeds of at least 115ml (he normally takes about 200ml a feed) so he was gettting all his food so depends on how much your little one gets the rest of the day!! FIngers crossed tho your little one is going to be good at nights for ya!!
James has his last bottle at 8.30 them we put him to bed at 9 he then wakes at 4.30 so that's 8hrs and he's 6 weeks today he has them religiously every 4 hours un the day and from his bottle at 4.30 he will then have one at 8 he has 7oz bottles what does your lo have?? X
E has her last bottle around 8:30 and this is never a full bottle and she goes until 6 at the earliest but has been 7-7:30 the last couple of days.

My HV said it is fine, enjoy it and as long as she is happy then don't worry.

thanks girls, she takes between 6 n 7 oz and goes 4 hours during te day roughly, sometimes 3hours in the morning then 5hours for the nextso it balances out

shes a bit all over the place now today though :-(
aww kayla is a hungry lil monster isnt she lol. Alyssa is so lazy and barely makes it thru 5oz before falling asleep and then she sleeps 3 or 4 hrs after feeds but might spend the afternoon pretty awake and then sleep for ages after her afternoon feeds. she is just starting to sometimes seem like she could eat a lil more after some feeds but then other times she only takes 3 or 4 oz before being asleep and content
A full nights sleep!!! Can't be bad! I think it's totally fine! Obviously your baby is getting enough calaries in the day not to need a night feed! If they get the calaries in the day they will sleep through :) don't worry about it at all! If ur baby was really hungry they would defo tell u!!!
aww kayla is a hungry lil monster isnt she lol. Alyssa is so lazy and barely makes it thru 5oz before falling asleep and then she sleeps 3 or 4 hrs after feeds but might spend the afternoon pretty awake and then sleep for ages after her afternoon feeds. she is just starting to sometimes seem like she could eat a lil more after some feeds but then other times she only takes 3 or 4 oz before being asleep and content

She must be snacking behind your back to be such a gorgeous chunky monkey:)

Gave her a top up bottle in the middle of the day to get her back on track so she is having her bottle now and going straigt to bed and will see what happens, gonna just give her dummy wen she moans at 3am this time and see if she goes back asleep save me wasting a bottle testing to see if she's hungry or not

She had been in a bit of a routine the last few days im just sooo angry at my self for letting stupid MIL convince me i was doing wrong
lol maybe its the bf meals cos i still bf 3 or 4 times a day too
ah is she sleeping well then apart from the evening one? my prob is she has a nap right up untill 8 is then having a bottle and going down to bed so takes her ages to sleep again , but she doesn't cry so we just leave her there unless she seems like she might be getting upset
she sleeps fine during the day and after 3am feed, its just the 12-3am bit when oh has her and evenings really shes awake or fussy
Hi my LO has 4 7oz bottles a day and her last one is normally between 7-8pm and then she will sleep through till about half 6-7 shes 10 weeks not but she has been dong this for a couple of weeks now so I would say its fine and not to worry she is putting on weight so Im not worried about her being hungry! X
wow you lucky thing thats a great nights sleep, when they frop that am feed do you still need to change them though?

went back to my 8pm feed and she took her bottle at 345 so was almost 8 hours then started to wake at 7 but held her off untill 8 for her bottle , if she stays waking at 7 i can llive with it 6 was just too early for me to be up for the day, i need my sleep way too much lol

but hey its friday so oh turn to do the night feeds and get her up so i can have a nice long lie in, although if it stays as sunny as it is il feel guilty missing it
I feed her and then generally she wont sleep till about 9 so change her just before bed and put her into a Pampers Baby dry nappy they are great, that way shes fresh for bed and she hasent poo'ed yet just wet so change her as soon as she wakes up. I got paranoid about the changing at first as when she stired the slightest bit tryed to change her but ended up waking her up too much. Now if she stirs I wait for a few minutes and then dry the dummy in and if she cries or is still awake after half and hour then will check her nappy! X

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