Irregular heatbeat


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2008
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Hi girls, just a small niggling worry here - I think I have a bit of an irregular heartbeat. I've had it for years but haven't really been too worried about it, neither has the doctors (I've been twice due to a couple of episodes of fast beating heart that just suddenly came on for no reason - first episode was last year, the last one was in June this year). The last doc I saw said it was an episode of SVT - supraventricaular tachycardia. It's when the atrium starts to beat faster than the ventricles, so the ventricles beat faster to keep up with the atrium. He wasn't too fussed and told me if it happened again to go to A&E and they'd monitor my heartbeat. Anyway, I've been having just like little irregular flutters quite a lot, and think the fast heartbeat's gonna start again, but then my heart just goes back to it;s regular rhythm. It's weird coz it does feel like fluttering in my chest sometimes.
Told my mum about this and she said that when I was a child, there were concerns about my growth as I wasn't growing as quickly as I should, and I had to see a consultant paediatrician. Apparently they picked up on a heart murmur which they kept an eye on, they thought I grew out of it so it wasn't of great concern. The growth problem righted itself after I was 12 coz I had probs with tonsils and wouldn't eat well coz of the size of them, and I had them taken out at 12.
The midwife knows about the heart thing, but reckoned it was more to do with the fact that I suffer from panic attacks. I'm seeing her again tomorrow for my 28 week check-up, so I will mention it to her.
Does anyone here have anything like this? I'm trying not to worry too much, and I'm fine on the whole, so is Baby - she's kicking me like mad as usual! Just a bit of advice if you can help? Ta! xxx
Yup unfortunatley I have had my boobies out to be examined by rooms full of drs, consultants, sonographers etc etc this pregnancy due to a murmer, third heart beat and something else that escapes me now that Ive been given the all clear.

I have had countless ecg's and echograms to ensure that Im ok as I have regular blackouts since about 14wks and heart was questioned as one of the causes. Turns out Im ok.

I was told any existing heart problem can be exagerated when pregnant due to the fact your heart is having to work alot harder, some women actually have murmers exposed because of pregnancy.

Have a chat with your MW if she is worried she will refer to your GP for an ECG and then in turn they will send you to see a cardiologist if there are any problems.

Try not to panic I think there are a few of us that have been monitered due to heart problems and Im sure they will add to this thread when they see it.
Hey :wave:
I've got a heart murmur that I developed in pregnancy but I didn't even know I had it until I was at the doctors one day for a water infection and he did a general check-up and then said "did you know you have a heart murmur?" I had no idea! I've had to see a heart specialist about it and also had a couple of extra growth scans to check it wasn't affecting the baby but everything is fine with me and baby so they've discharged me. Try not to worry too much though, I know it can play on your mind a bit sometimes but chances are everything is fine, if it wasn't I'm sure they would be monitoring you much more closely. Maybe talk to your M/W or doctor about your concerns as they can put your mind at ease. Hope this helps and hope your ok :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank you girls, your words of reassurance have made me feel better and I'll have a chat with the MW tomoz and see what she says. It's prob just nothing and I'm worrying for no reason :roll:
I don't know babe but good luck for tomorrow :hug: Let us know how it goes sweetie xx
Thanks Dannii, I'll let you know after the MW appt tomoz. xxx
aramintalovegrove said:
I was told any existing heart problem can be exagerated when pregnant due to the fact your heart is having to work alot harder, some women actually have murmers exposed because of pregnancy.

Have a chat with your MW if she is worried she will refer to your GP for an ECG and then in turn they will send you to see a cardiologist if there are any problems.

Try not to panic I think there are a few of us that have been monitered due to heart problems and Im sure they will add to this thread when they see it.

Many women develop a temporary heart murmur in pregnancy called a flow murmur. Its quite common and non problematic. And goes away again once baby is born. I had one when PG.

AliCat, having palpitations during pregnancy is also very normal. Especially the later part of pregnancy. It usually rights itself once baby is here. I have had them for years and they got worse when I was PG and I had tests done but consultant said all was well and nothing needed to be done.

I'd not panic about them tbh. A simple ECG can be done.

Many people have palpitations only most don't even notice them. When we do it can be quite worrying but in most cases its harmless and they only last for a very short time. It feels like everything is slowing down or stopping then a bit of a whoosh and your heartbeat then beats quicker before returning to normal. My consultant said to me that 3 of these a minute were acceptable when PG. If I had more of them on a regular basis within a minute then to go back and see them.

FWIW if you are stressed, tired, run down etc it can also cause them so trying to relax about them hopefully will help.
Hi Sherlock, thanks for the words of wisdom and advice!! I went to the MW today and explained my worry to her. She's referred me to a consultant who I hope to see next Weds. She said it's prob nothing to worry about but said I could be referred to put my mind at rest.
I'm sure all is OK, but it's nice to be reassured.
Hey i have sinus tachycardia, i was told i had a heart murmur when i was about 8 and they also thought i had just grown out of it- they only picked up on this recently i am waiting for an appt with a cardiologist so they can do more tests and decide if they will do anything about it or if i will just have to live with it. anyway just wanted to post to say they never noticed it when i was pregnant, i did used to get some chest pains and palpitations but they put it down to all the extra blood pumping around- pfft!! and i was fine and obviously nothing happened! at least they know about yours so i'm sure you are in good hands! :hug: :hug:
AliCat said:
Hi Sherlock, thanks for the words of wisdom and advice!! I went to the MW today and explained my worry to her. She's referred me to a consultant who I hope to see next Weds. She said it's prob nothing to worry about but said I could be referred to put my mind at rest.
I'm sure all is OK, but it's nice to be reassured.
I'm glad you're being monitored - For your own piece of mind more than anything :hug: Sounds like they're looking after you which is always nice.

I'm sure it's nothing like the others said and just your heart working overtime, but it's always good to rule certain things out which I hope is what will be done next Wednesday :hug: xx

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