Ipad help


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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I've just smashed the screen on my ipad, it's only a small crack but my OH is going to go mental!!

Would you,

A) take it to the apple shop and pay £250 something to get it replaced and sorted


B) take it to a shop/market stall and have it fixed for around £85??

I'm obviously leaning towards the £85 but Im just scared they won't do a good job. Saying that though I've had my phone fixed by one before but Im pretty wary about leaving it with them when it's worth over £600!

Is it not insured?!

I got my iPod (I know its a little different!) fixed at a phone shop (think market stall) for £80 and its been fine.

Insure it and wait a couple of weeks.......... As long as you have proof of purchase.

My iPad was insured with insure your bubble. It was bought for me by a friend. The screen broke and they wouldn't help because it was over one year old??? And I didn't have the receipt! Cancelled the insurance and binned the iPad :( x
That's rubbish!!!! That protect it bubble is a bit of a con xx
House insurance if you have accidental damage cover? X
Ah cos its in the terms of the insurance when you set it up (very inconspicuously you have to look ) they only cover new items x what a bummer for you hun

Hmmm I dont know about the market but saying that I have had a laptop fixed on our local cheap fixer and that was fine, only thing is it would void your warranty if anything failed technically with the operating system as they can tell its not been done by apple

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
I completely missed that Netty and I'd been bloody paying it for months :( xx
Aw man what a shame thing is they do all their checks at point of cliam as they dont ask many questions to set you up I work in insurance so I look for these things x its tight they dont make it clearer though

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
So what are we saying with this insurance? I've just insured my iPad which is under a year old but if I want to claim when it's over a year they won't help? Xx

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No it must be less than a year at the point you set the insurance up

Then if you claim you must provide proof of purchase

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
You can buy screen sets on ebay and take them to the cheap repair shops to fit it for you.

Sent from my ST23i using Tapatalk 2
You can buy screen sets on ebay and take them to the cheap repair shops to fit it for you.

Sent from my ST23i using Tapatalk 2

Just remember though that you void your warranty with apple by doing this. I've just insured it with protect my bubble and will pay the little bit extra to make a claim.
I cancelled as comments have put me off that company xx

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Been great for me always

I would have sued if someone put fake parts in my ipad anyway as was mentioned. You have rights

Ive had laptop and a tablet fixed through these and it was perfect and quick

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
My son just dropped and broke his laptop today, I am insured with them. His laptop is over a year old. from what I have read on the terms and conditions, you need to insure it before its a year old which I did. I am confused to if I am covered or not? So pointless if I am not and a total waste of money each month!
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It is in the terms before you set it up on phones not so sure about laptops I would check with them

I read all my insurance terms inside out

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
It is in the terms before you set it up on phones not so sure about laptops I would check with them

I read all my insurance terms inside out

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:

I have to admit I only glanced through the terms, you tend to assume that you will be covered if you're paying the insurance. I will call them and if its not covered I am going to be pretty annoyed x
If a representative doesn't sell you it you must always read every last word of insurance as they are sneaky I should know...I sell it

Ha but you are liable for everything when you buy online if a person sells you something and it turns out wrong you're more likely to get money back etc. Compensation

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:

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