

Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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Ive always been fascinated with intuition and instinct, what exactly is can we use it etc etc.

Maternal instinct I think can be the strongest of them all, driving some women to the most amazing feats to save thier children! I noticed it for the first time when I had my first baby and we had to stay in the hospital for a couple of days, they put her in the nursery the 2nd night so I could get some sleep, there were a few babies in there and we could hear them crying from the ward, I slept through them all apart from when my baby cried and I instinctively knew it was her and woke immediately.

But thats just the strongest instinct, we have many more!

Ive learned over the years to trust my intuition and gut instincts, about people, situations, problems etc, and Ive found im right atleast 90% of the time.

I really believe that everybody has these instincts and intuition, but not everybody has learned how to recognise that from the voice of fear or greed, or trusts thier own inner voice enough.

So do you? Do you have any examples of intuition or instinct changing your life in someway, or your maternal instinct doing something amazing?
I trust my instinct all the time! I always know when people are dodgy or when something doesn't feel right. When my husband passed his driving test we went and got a car. I knew just from looking at it that it was a brilliant car and I know nothing about cars! After a year my hubby decided to buy a new car and when I looked at it it didn't feel right and I told my husband to be careful. Well he got his own way and bought the car. From day one it has been nothing but trouble. We've paid over a grand to have it repaired so can't sell it now or we'll lose money on it. I always say to him I told you so and next time he's gonna let me choose haha.
I trust mine too, but used always ignore my first thought which was always right, I listen now tho and 9 x out of 10 you cant go wrong with it :)

If theres something about someone I dont like who I dont know my instinct is always right about it as it always turns out they have a deep dark secret or they are just fake people, I am rpetty good at sussing people out, I know you should never judge someone with their first inpression but it goes much deeper than that :)
Tasha20 said:
I trust mine too, but used always ignore my first thought which was always right, I listen now tho and 9 x out of 10 you cant go wrong with it :)

If theres something about someone I dont like who I dont know my instinct is always right about it as it always turns out they have a deep dark secret or they are just fake people, I am rpetty good at sussing people out, I know you should never judge someone with their first inpression but it goes much deeper than that :)

I totally agree, I think we sub-consciously pick up on very subtle minute body language to give us clues of what someone is thinking, what thier intentions are etc, and then this is translated by us as "just a feeling you cant quite put your finger on"

Thats my theory anyway, but yeah whatever the cause or process its always worked for me too!
I hear voices :lol: Seriously I do! OH says I'm very intuitive, not psychic but i get thoughts and feelings about people & events and usually spot on
im a suspicous persn about people, i tend to make up a decision if i can trust someone on sight, its something iv always been critised for but always proved right upon id say 95% of the time, I would say that its either my biggest flaw or best quality being able to read someone.

But Yes GGG i would say my strongest instinct is over Alfie, as a new mum i had no idea what i was doign and was being pulled in so many different ways being told what to do etc, I actually found i bonded better with my boy as soon as i just told everyone to leave me alone and do it myself and follow my instincts ... then yes together me and my baby figured out exactly what he needed instead of fighting instinct.
Minime said:
I hear voices :lol: Seriously I do! OH says I'm very intuitive, not psychic but i get thoughts and feelings about people & events and usually spot on

You might be slightly Clairaudiant, which is like clairvoyance but you hear the spirits whispering instead of seeing images.
I have a really weird connection with my sister. Where not twins, only a years age gap. When ever shes around i know she there and i always turn around when shes walking towards my desk and i dont when its any one else. she always says "how the hell do you know its me!?" :rotfl: . I also pick my mobile up for no reason what so ever and then it rings and its her! Its very weird!
jenna said:
I have a really weird connection with my sister. Where not twins, only a years age gap. When ever shes around i know she there and i always turn around when shes walking towards my desk and i dont when its any one else. she always says "how the hell do you know its me!?" :rotfl: . I also pick my mobile up for no reason what so ever and then it rings and its her! Its very weird!

I have things like that happen a lot too!

I walked past my bosses desk once and was sure I heard him call me, so I turned around and said "yes?" and he said "I didnt call you.....but I was about to!"

Also the phone thing, I have my mobile on my desk and quite often will glance at it a split second before I get a text come through. Also the thing with thinking about someone you havnt thought of or heard from in years and then bump into them or get a call or text from them!

Im betting that most people here have had the same kind of things but just dont take much notice as they think its either coincidence or just "one of them things", but the more you take notice of it the more often it happens!
I really trust my intuition, it's right about 99% of the time.

My sister had an affair a few years ago and was telling us all loads of lies, I knew about it almost straight away, this is going to sound funny but I heard a voice telling me that she was all the time.

It has got alot stronger since I had M, I always hear a voice that tells me what she needs, and it is always right.

We went to Eygpt in December and I kept hearing a voice that she was going to be very badly hurt, it was really strong. One evening I was in the bathroom and she followed me in, she wasn't quite walking then and she lost her balance and started to fall backwards, I dropped everything, dived towards her and caught her ( I was quite far away from her) If she had hit the floor she probably would have split her head open on the tiles, or worse. My legs were like jelly, she falls all the time, but this time it was different. After that night I didn't hear the voice again.

Any decisions I have to make when I see the right thing to do or get I hear a voice really loudly saying "that's it!!!, that's the one"

I can't explain it and don't know what it is but it is great, it is like there is someone guiding me.
SarahB said:
I really trust my intuition, it's right about 99% of the time.

My sister had an affair a few years ago and was telling us all loads of lies, I knew about it almost straight away, this is going to sound funny but I heard a voice telling me that she was all the time.

It has got alot stronger since I had M, I always hear a voice that tells me what she needs, and it is always right.

We went to Eygpt in December and I kept hearing a voice that she was going to be very badly hurt, it was really strong. One evening I was in the bathroom and she followed me in, she wasn't quite walking then and she lost her balance and started to fall backwards, I dropped everything, dived towards her and caught her ( I was quite far away from her) If she had hit the floor she probably would have split her head open on the tiles, or worse. My legs were like jelly, she falls all the time, but this time it was different. After that night I didn't hear the voice again.

Any decisions I have to make when I see the right thing to do or get I hear a voice really loudly saying "that's it!!!, that's the one"

I can't explain it and don't know what it is but it is great, it is like there is someone guiding me.

Thats amazing that your inner voice is so clear to you! I think its your inner voice, but maybe some other spiritual types might say its a spirit guide of some sort, or your higher self guiding you.

I dont think it really matters what it is, unless you feel the need to pin it down and explain it, I think whats important is that you hear it and allow yourself to be guided by it as you so obviously do :hug:
I ignored it for a long time, thinking I was just being silly, but I have learnt to always trust it.
I think you're right, it doesn't matter what it is, it really is amazing though :D
I always trust my instinct............I hate it when people try and make me question myself :evil: :evil:
I can always tell when someone is lying.

When I was 20 I thought my boyfriend of 3 years was cheating on me. There was no proof what so ever, but I just knew. Anyhoo, he convinced me he wasn't and even made me feel bad that I'd thought it in the first place as he'd never given me a reason to distrust him.
But I just couldn't shake this feeling so I hired a private detective (I worked long hours so didn't have the time to snoop myself!) and sure enough the lying ba$tard was messing around with the office bike (she'd already had 3 affairs).
I was more angry with the fact that he made me questioned my own judgement than about his affair. I promised myself there and then that I would never question myself again.
He done me a favour thoguh as 6 weeks later I left my job and went travelling to Oz and asia for a year!
Misslarue said:
I always trust my instinct............I hate it when people try and make me question myself :evil: :evil:
I can always tell when someone is lying.

When I was 20 I thought my boyfriend of 3 years was cheating on me. There was no proof what so ever, but I just knew. Anyhoo, he convinced me he wasn't and even made me feel bad that I'd thought it in the first place as he'd never given me a reason to distrust him.
But I just couldn't shake this feeling so I hired a private detective (I worked long hours so didn't have the time to snoop myself!) and sure enough the lying ba$tard was messing around with the office bike (she'd already had 3 affairs).
I was more angry with the fact that he made me questioned my own judgement than about his affair. I promised myself there and then that I would never question myself again.
He done me a favour thoguh as 6 weeks later I left my job and went travelling to Oz and asia for a year!

OMG almost the exact same thing happened to me!

I was with my ex for 3 years and I always just KNEW that he was chaeting, but never had any kind of proof, and I started to doubt myself too....thinking I was paranoid, insecure, some kind of bunny boiler, I really put myself through the mill with it! Then one day I found his collection of diaries.....the silly sod had kept a record, and he had been cheating on me the whole time, having atelast 3 one night stands a month with strangers.

I left him, got tested for everything under the sun (thankfully all clear on ALL counts) , and vowed never to ignore that inner voice again!
glitzyglamgirl said:
Misslarue said:
I always trust my instinct............I hate it when people try and make me question myself :evil: :evil:
I can always tell when someone is lying.

When I was 20 I thought my boyfriend of 3 years was cheating on me. There was no proof what so ever, but I just knew. Anyhoo, he convinced me he wasn't and even made me feel bad that I'd thought it in the first place as he'd never given me a reason to distrust him.
But I just couldn't shake this feeling so I hired a private detective (I worked long hours so didn't have the time to snoop myself!) and sure enough the lying ba$tard was messing around with the office bike (she'd already had 3 affairs).
I was more angry with the fact that he made me questioned my own judgement than about his affair. I promised myself there and then that I would never question myself again.
He done me a favour thoguh as 6 weeks later I left my job and went travelling to Oz and asia for a year!

OMG almost the exact same thing happened to me!

I was with my ex for 3 years and I always just KNEW that he was chaeting, but never had any kind of proof, and I started to doubt myself too....thinking I was paranoid, insecure, some kind of bunny boiler, I really put myself through the mill with it! Then one day I found his collection of diaries.....the silly sod had kept a record, and he had been cheating on me the whole time, having atelast 3 one night stands a month with strangers.

I left him, got tested for everything under the sun (thankfully all clear on ALL counts) , and vowed never to ignore that inner voice again!

:twisted: :twisted: Some men are wan$ers!!!!
That's the worst bit I think, making us questions our minds.................if you're going to cheat at least have the decency to own when you're caught :roll:
At least the losers taught us a valuable lesson!!
too right hun!

I think thats why im so happy now, my inner voice tells me my OH would NEVER cheat on me, and its an amazing feeling, not one ive been used to before!

If my ex hadnt of cheated on me I wouldnt have learned what i did, your absolutely spot on there!
When I was in 6th form (many yrs ago now!) we had a policeman come in to talk to us about Body Language and keeping / feeling safe. Anyway he asked one of the lads from the class to stand with his back to him and the policeman walked up behind him and asked him to say stop when he felt that the policeman was getting too close for comfort. When the boy said stop, the policeman put his arm out and there was literally an inch between his fist and the boys back. It was pretty amazing how you feel something's wrong.
Kylie1007 said:
When I was in 6th form (many yrs ago now!) we had a policeman come in to talk to us about Body Language and keeping / feeling safe. Anyway he asked one of the lads from the class to stand with his back to him and the policeman walked up behind him and asked him to say stop when he felt that the policeman was getting too close for comfort. When the boy said stop, the policeman put his arm out and there was literally an inch between his fist and the boys back. It was pretty amazing how you feel something's wrong.

Thats interesting, maybe thats why we feel uncomfortable if a stranger is in our "personal space" like too close in a queue (one of my pet hates lol)

I do know they say if you HAVE to be out on your own at night, walk with purpose and confidence and you are less likely to be mugged or worse as you dont appear to strangers as a "victim"

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