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Introducing a Routine


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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I'm going to let her have another couple of weeks of giving me sleepless nights but I want to get Evie into a nice routine as soon as I can! :lol:

She sleeps quite well in the day. She seems to be colicky around3pm-6pm every day but I know that will pass and there's not much I can do about it further than a touch of infacol and a warm bath :cry:

How would you recommend introducing a routine for night? She seems to take ages to settle at night but will drop right back to sleep in the day :x

I was planning to try a warm bath around 9pm, a clean nappy and baby gro and a bottle; which would hopefully get her off from about 10 til 3; then a bottle at 3 (if she needs it- she seems to be having another growth spurt at the mo... fat little piggy had already put on a lb from her birth weight LAST week! :lol: ). If I could get her back to sleep again she wouldn't want another bottle until 7am-ish...

Sound Plausible? :think:

:shhh: I REALLY miss my sleep! :oops:
Yeah your plan sounds good :) I started doing a similar routine for Calleigh when she was a few weeks old. This is what i do now.

I start with a nice bath, then into sleepsuit ready for bed.
Cuddle time with mummy and daddy.
Nice long booby feed with the lights low/noise level low.
Then she gets put in her cot. She is usually awake when doing this but settles to sleep within 10 mins by herself.

She started off being put down to sleep at about 10pm, but now i have moved it back to 9pm. Will continue to keep moving it back over the next few weeks till i get to bout 7.30pm.

I have found the routine thing to work for me, she settles alot quicker to sleep at night since doing this routine and recently has been sleeping 8-9 hours through the night.

She has a few naps in the day but i try to make daytime naps different from night so she learns the difference between day and night sleeps.
In the day if she sleeps i dont try and keep quiet or dim any lights or put her in a darkened room, and at night i keep noise levels to a minimum (living room is next door to our bedroom) and the room is kept darkened.
Sounds like a good plan, just see how it goes. :D

Sophie has found her own routine so im sticking with that

Feed and bed around 8 she used sleep to downstairs where i could see her until i went to bed but ive started putting her into her own bed with the baby monitors on now (although this is early days).

I give her a dream feed at around 11
She will then sleep until 4/5 although she sometimes wakes at around 2 for another feed.

Although this does vary im going with the flow as i think im lucky that she will go 5 hours at once.
i remember those days :hug: its really hard work isnt it. Kyran was an absolute nightmare the first 6ish weeks. He use to scream day and night with his colic but it all started to change when i out him on comfort milk...

Anyway at about 6 weeks we started bathing him at half 6 and let him splash around for a good 20mins. (he loves the bath and his legs go crazy the minute they touch the water!) think that use to help to tire him out. then in his jammies and downstairs for a bottle. i think he was drinking 4/5oz bottles back then but at his last bottle id give him as much as he wanted to totally settle him. then id wrap him in a blanket and cuddle him on the sofa till he fell asleep.

Its still his routine now and he always goes to bed with no problems. by the time he was 3 months after his bottle we could just put him in his bed and he'd go on his own.
We've been doing the bath/bottle/bed routing for just over a week now and its its going well so far.

Bath with mummy (I love going in the bath with him) at 9.30, sleepsuit than a 5oz feed at 10ish then bed. He was sleeping til about 3am, but last night he went until 5.30AM!!!!!!!!

He doesnt sleep that much during the day anymore, and I try and have a bit of playtime with him for 30mins to an hour on his playgym during mid afternoon.

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