Intrauterine growth restriction


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2013
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Hi ladies,

I have a low papp a level which, I have been informed, means my blood supply to the placenta is not great. I had a uterine artery doppler done at 20 weeks which showed the vessels to be working fine but small. The consultant said he was happy to leave me until 34 weeks when I need another scan and I will see him again. They have said they will discuss early induction/c-sec at this point. They are unsure when, could be 37 weeks. It is something they have to play by ear.

Now my question is, if I get induced/c-sec early and he is very tiny, what happens? I assume he goes to a special unit until he is a suitable weight to come home. What happens to me? Do I stay with him or come home and visit? The main reason I ask is because the specialist I saw is in Oxford, and the hospital is a 30 mile drive each way. He said it is likely I will have to go there. DH is worried he will have to leave us there and come home which he does not want to do. I have said this is probably the case so he needs to just deal with it unfortunately. But does it mean I have to leave too? So our new baby is without mum or dad? I know he won't be aware of this but I am not sure how to deal with it all.

Just trying to prepare myself and DH as he is a bit useless when it comes to being supportive with things like this. I am the strong one who sorts it all out but I am so confused about it all.

Thanks ladies, sorry for rambling post.
I would call your mw or consultant or even the hospital and ask about what their policies are. Might be a good idea to write down all your questions and concerns and get an appointment with the consultant. Let him know you have questions about what you were told and need some information. I had my first at 36 weeks by induction, which ended in a c section. She was a tad underweight, but was able to breathe on her own. Had some extra monitoring, but she was allowed to go home with me.
I had IUGR with my first (due to pre-eclampsia). She was born at 36+2 weighing 3lb 11oz. Physically she was absolutely fine - no problems breathing (there wasn't time to give steroids either) or anything like that. She was in special care for 3 weeks. With her it was the feeding that took time. I couldn't breastfeed and she was so tiny that they started off with a nasogastric tube. She then had to be using a bottle properly before they'd discharge her, plus she had to be at least 4lb in weight.

I was only in hospital until I was well enough to be discharged. This meant from day 8 until she was discharged we had to go in every day to see her. She had quite extensive periods when she didn't have us there, mostly night times. I have no idea of the policy of the hospital where you are, but where we were, parents/carers were allowed day or night into special care to see their babies. Also usually you will get money off parking or free parking after a week or two.

Definitely check with your consultant about everything because it does vary from place to place.
Thanks ladies.

Thanks for the info Ella. I think I will try to speak to my GP first and ask if she knows the details (I am seeing her next week). If not, I will ask if I can speak to someone who does and ask for a meeting. Hopefully it won't happen and he can come out when he is ready but I would like to be prepared really.

Thanks again. x
Hi hun I had IUGR with my first, but he was still a "good weight" at 38+6 being 5lb 12oz. I ended up being induced aswell.

Because he was such a good weight we didn't need any time in NICU or Special Care so we were really lucky.

I'm being monitored again for it in this pregnancy too :) no advice really just wanted to have somewhere to talk to others about it! It is very worrying x
I have had 3 dopplers recently due to high pressure across the cord and my placenta is maturing too early (I have cotleydons or something?). there was talk of inducing me on Friday or this week but they have now decided to hold off, I have a growth scan on Friday, previous growth scan was ok but at 25 percentile, estimated weight 3lb 12 so hopefully he has grown, if not they are going to do a c section. I would speak to your midwife or consultant and ask if they can do a scan earlier just to put your mind at rest as 14 weeks is a long time to wait? They get most concerned if the fetal movements drop so keep a close eye on the movements and if you are concerned go to your local FAU. I had the steroids Thursday night and Friday morning and they should speak to you about the steroids as well in-case baby comes early. Good luck and I will look out for updates on this thread x

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