injections q.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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melissa has her 3rd set of immunisations on tuesday.

much of this week just gone she has been a bit chesty. thats all, altho she has sneezed and coughed not enough 2 make me think she has a cold and theres no sign of sniffly nose); the only symptom seems 2 b her chest, when she breathes it sounds a bit rattley, like she needs 2 do a big cough 2 get the phlegm up!
shall i cancel her appointment?
I'm pretty sure that if they have a cold then it's fine for them to have their jabs as their immune system is working on it. I know that DS is always ill and sounds chesty, he's had all of his jabs when he's sounding rattly as otherwise we'd be waiting for the 2 days in a month he breathes normally!!
DS has been a bit poorly since his 3rd jabs (about a week and a half ago), he's had a sniffly nose and hoarse throat in the mornings, but that also could be due to him teething. He also had a big lump on his leg from one of the jabs that is now the size of a small marble, which apparently is normal.
Yeah, she should be fine. Unless she gets a temperature and it looks like an infection they will still do them. Nathan had his a week after his sister got Chicken pox but the nurse said they are fine as long as it s not bacterial.
if you take her and ask the nurse about your concerns..D had a bug just before his first and it was checked with a coc who said as he was getting over it to go ahead
they usually ask if baby has been well before they do the injection hun but if they dont just check with them before they do it and explain exactly whats been wrong the HV might advise the doctor to check her over before she has the injections hope all goes well for you both on tuesday xxxxxxx

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