Info needed please


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Oct 27, 2006
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My partner and I have been ttc for just over a week, the first day of my last period was 13 oct and last night 2am i woke felt sick and then I was sick (im never sick) I felt fine afterwards. My lower stomach feels different cant really explain how just different than normal and very light cramps. Is this too early to be feeling symptoms and do you think I could be pregnant? any advice would be appriciated.
Hi Louise, welcome to the forum :wave:

I had very similar symptoms recently, sore boobs, dizziness, cramping. I really thought thought i could be pregnant (was also our first month ttc).

About 2 weks after these symptoms, AF came. I had recently come off the pill so think it was my body getting used to being off it.

Have you recently come off the pill? Hope you do get a BFP but don't want your to get your hopes up just in case. xx

I came off the pill approx 4 months ago but we have only stopped using condoms just over a week ago. I think it may be too early to tell but i really feel different.
Im new to this forum and am unsure what AF and BFP are hee hee.
this should help you out....

id say its prob far too early to tell if you are pg unless your last af wasnt normal. if you had your last af on 13 oct then you would prob only be ov around now which means your not likely to be pg, most women ov 14 days into their cycle, but obviosuly this can differ for everyone but thats the general rule. the only way of knowing is by charting your temps and using opk's which will pick up your LH surge which is when you need to bd :wink:

welcome to the forum and good luck! :D
AF means Aunt Flow - as in period.
BFP - Big Fat Positive pregnancy test.

There's a list of abbreviations in one of the above forums (introduce yourself i think). Believe me, you will come across a lot of them!!

Hmmm, not sure what it could be. :think: Some people do feel symptoms that early, it's not unheard of apparently.
When is AF due? You could do a test nearer your AF date?
Hi. You do start getting pregnancy symptoms after conception, but as already mentioned you are not even at the stage of ovulation yet (14 days before next period), as your period only would have ended just over a wk ago.

It is probably something else, if anything at all. It may be ovulation but is very unlikely unless your next period is coming very early.
I would guess that it may well be too early for symptoms.

Good luck though! :D

I thinki it all depends some feel symptoms extremely early , ami wrong to beleive that you can conceive at any time during your cycle?

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