

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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How early can i start giving Kyla Infacol?

She seems to get the hiccups after every bottle and grown for about hr after a bottle, i am guessing with wind?

We gave Isaac infacol very early on and he had it every feed. Read the label on a bottle and do what it says. I'm sure we gave it to him before his feeds rather then something like gripe water which you give after a feed. I know very young babies can't have gripe water but I'm sure infacol is suitable from birth. Check first though of course.

Hope it works for you, It really helped with Isaac's wind.

Lou :D
We used it early for Poppy and I've just checked the bottle and it says that it is suitable for use from birth onwards.
We gave it from day one, before each bottle. Worked wonders!
thanks girls.... Kyla is on infacol now, he brings a nice big burp up but still a bit windy when i put her now!!?? :?

We gave Ben unfacol before each feed and he never suffered from trapped wind. My firend couldn't get her LO to take the drops so added it to the bottle of milk, I have no idea if this is advided but seemed to work for them.
Hello Keely :D

As everyone told you can use Infacol from birth.
About wind, depends on how windy she is. We gave Daniel Colief in each feed and changed formula to Aptamil Easy Digest. And were very happy with it :D
Now I am trying to get back to breastfeeding (or at least mostly breastfeeding) but it is another story :D
My mum has an excellent technique for winding. You sit the baby on your lap sideways and lean them forward slowly then back up again. It always used to make Isaac burp!

Lou :D

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