

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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my friend is being induced tomoz and has a few questions which i didnt know the awnser to as i wasnt induced

so i sed i knew a few girls that will know so here i am to ask

1. how long does it take on average for contractions to start?
2. does it mean labour will be longer than average?
3. is it more of a painful labour?
4. is there ne risks of induction?
Induction is where labour is started artifically so it's not spontaneous like going into labour normally

I got induced with my first and it was very very painful and because he was my first I don't know it was more painful than normal but it really did hurt

My contractions started about an hour after I had the tablet inserted and they lasted for 20 hours

I'm not sure if it'll be longer than average tbh

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I was induced with my 2nd and it took about an hour for contractions to start. My labour was pretty quick but I wouldn't say any more painful than the other 2.The only difference i found was instead of building up gradually they came thick and fast almost straight away.

I was induced with my first i had gel at 10pm Sunday and the drip 9am Monday labour started about 1/2 hour after the drip was put in, she was born at 1.40pm so 4 hours later, it was no more painful then Conal in fact i might even say easier as i knew what was going on. i don't think whether or not you were induced has anything to do with how long your in labour for.

As far as i know there are no risks

I was induced on a monday at 10.00am, started with tablets inserted and ended with a drip on the wednesday as not much happened.
I gave birth at 6.15pm on the wednesday.
And I managed on just gas and air but could barely move because of excrutiating back pain

He was my first baby so I have nothing to compare with.

I wish your friend a speedy labour :hug:

I was induced-had my first pessary at 9am...had backache but not enought to want pain relief. Had 2nd lot at 4ish I think, my waters went but I still didnt feel any contractions.....

They took me down to labour ward next morning @ 10am and onto drip, increased drip until 4pm when my contractions were showing thick and fast on monitor but I was still comfortable, standing up and swaying, only 7pm I was examined (for 10th time in 2 days) and they said I was still only 2.5cm dilated and my cervix was getting tired so it was decided I would have a section, I was so relieved as I so wanted to meet my baby!!!!!

The girl in the next bed was induced same time, she was in agony by lunchtime and on gas and air by the afternoon, she was on labour ward and had her little boy that evening after a painful labour...I suppose everyone is different and I was so so lucky!!! I was eating McDonalds and laughing with OH, and this poor cow was screaming the ward down!! :shock:

Good luck to your mate, hope she has a speedy delivery :hug:
1. how long does it take on average for contractions to start?

This can vary depending on how "ready" the baby is to come out, she may be ready to pop, or baby may be nice and comfy.
With both of mine I started getting contractions within half and hour, but my friend has been induced with both if her kids and never actually went into labour at all

2. does it mean labour will be longer than average?

It can do yes :?

3. is it more of a painful labour?

i've heard it is yes, I don't know what the scientific evidence is though.

4. is there ne risks of induction?

You are at a greater risk of assisted delivery, eg forceps etc.
I was induced and my contactions started roughly 4-5 hours after my first pessary was inserted. My labour was painful but it was my first so I can't really comment on if it was more painful than a normal labour. I was given the pessary at about 5pm on the Friday and gave birth at 8.52pm on the Saturday. I had a lot of pain relief and although it was very painful I wouldn't say I had a bad labour. I didn't have an assisted delivery or stitches.
I had gel and my contractions were coming strong after about an hour and a half. It was excruciating but can't compare to 'normal' labour because she's my first.
1. how long does it take on average for contractions to start?

Gel was inserted at 6 waters broke at 10 ..They were going to decide wether to brake my waters at 12
2. does it mean labour will be longer than average?

mine was 2hours 21 mins so not in my case
3. is it more of a painful labour?

first one so no idea
4. is there ne risks of induction?

I was advised to have injection to deliver the placenta as i was induced never asked why though
1. how long does it take on average for contractions to start?

It depends on your cervix. When I went in to be induced my cervix was very high and not at all ready. I had my first pessary around 10am and didn't have any contractions until just before I had my second around 7pm that evening (I was told I was about half a cm) and even then I wasn't having 'real' contractions it was just pessary pains :x I was examined at 10pm and was still half cm :( and he was born at 12:35pm :) so overall I was in established labour around 1hr 35mins

2. does it mean labour will be longer than average?

It can do, but not in my case

3. is it more of a painful labour?

I have been told it is and if that's true i'll definately do it again! Atleast I know it can't get any worse

4. is there ne risks of induction?

That I'm unsure, I don't remember being told there were but that was a while ago now

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