

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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I have to go see my midwife Tuesday if i'm still pregnant for an induction soon could this be? Has anyone ever been induced on the same day before?

It will only leave me 1 week and 1 day until i'm 42 weeks pregnant when I get my date on tuesday.
I got induced 2 weeks after my due date. I think they can leave you up to 14 days overdue :think:

It depends on if the hospital ward can fit you in... you should have to wait ot long though. :cheer:
Argh..i have to go see my consultant on tuesday..i have no idea what he is going to say if i have not had the baby.
I hope things start moving along for you soon :hug:
I have no idea about being induced so i cant help you there im afraid.
I think it should deff be your turn to give birth next though :D
Yeah I think its going to be Jade next....but you never know, look at Hev she suprised us all!
i know the impatient so and so.... :wink: just kidding hev, maddi was just nosey and wanted to see the big world outside the womb :lol:

Cant say that for my baby...she seems propper comfy in there :wall:

*whispers* come out baby...i'll give you lots of milkkkkkkk, honnest *whispers* :wall:
:rotfl: :rotfl:
i always try and tempt my boy out while im in the bath by telling him about all the nice things he can have but it just doesnt work :shakehead: :shakehead:
they dunno how to have a good time do they?

if they prefer amniotic fluid and placenta goodness then thats up to them...although milk and cuddles are better!!! YOU LISTENING BABY??? :cheer:
:rotfl: :rotfl:
I bet i look like a mad woman sat in the bath trying to tempt this baby out.
I think mine is staying in there so he doesnt have to meet his grandma (my M-I-L) and if that is the case i cant fault his choice to stay put :rotfl: :rotfl:
I think thats why they dont wanna come out then :shakehead:
Maybe if you tell your LO you will keep the MIL away she will come out :cheer:
My induction date was 12 days over due, I think they'll leave you 14 days max. Hope bubba comes out soon :pray:
12 days :wall: 14 days :shock: oh my goodness, i wont survive that long lol...

What I mean is has anyone been induced the same day as they went for the appointment to get the induction date? or do they leave you a few more days after you appointment with the midwife?
I very much doubt you will be induced the same day hun :(
I know its a pain in the butt.
I think they leave you to see if you will go natrually.
I think they normally have to book you in depending on space etc... so you may have to wait a couple of days once you have seen the consultant...... In the cubicles there are rules about booking people in for induction ie) they can only have 2 people being induced on the same day and no more than 1 if it is twins.....

Fingers crossed for you Jade you never know moving house may move things along for yoU!!!!!!
I don't know of anyone that has been induced the same day through being over due. They tend to book you in a few days before. My mw phoned the hospital about 4-5 days before I went into hospital.
Lyndsey said:
I think they normally have to book you in depending on space etc... so you may have to wait a couple of days once you have seen the consultant...... In the cubicles there are rules about booking people in for induction ie) they can only have 2 people being induced on the same day and no more than 1 if it is twins.....

Fingers crossed for you Jade you never know moving house may move things along for yoU!!!!!!

Oh yeah I saw them rules but diddn't read them properly, wish i had now lol
aaarw hope bubba comes for u soon jade!! :hug:

they wanted to induce me a week after my due date but jamie came out 2days later!
Jade89 said:
I have to go see my midwife Tuesday if i'm still pregnant for an induction soon could this be? Has anyone ever been induced on the same day before?

It will only leave me 1 week and 1 day until i'm 42 weeks pregnant when I get my date on tuesday.

they leave you 14 days jade. So long as all is ok that is.
That means i could have my baby on my birthday :shock:

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