Induction on Friday!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Hi Girls

My induction date's approaching on Friday and I'm quite anxious on what to expect. The midwife mentioned pessaries, any advice on what happens, what to expect and tips on having an easy labour. Thinking about now I'm scared.

Any advice would be great.

Thank you

Mary xx

i was induced at 37 weeks sue to pre eclampsia, depending on how close too your due dat you are it can be a lengthy process it took 4 days for me too get in too labour, but once i got too 4cm dialated it only took 2 hrs 20mins and i was holding my beautiful baby, you will be examined by either a consultant or midwife babies heart rate will be monitered before and after each pessary(tablet inserted in too cervix) eevry condition is different thats just what happend with me good luck, im sure you will be fine :hug:
ooh how exciting, i have been induced and it was fine, good luck :hug:
I'm overdue so baby being evicted!! Cant believe its only a few days away.

So scared!

10 days on Friday! I'm 2cm dilated and cervix soft!

Mary x
oh god woman i doubt you will make it till friday :hug: :rotfl:
I doubt you will make it until Friday, but if you do you will be fine and there is nothing to worry about.

I was induced at 40 + 8 and 12 hours later I had my son in my arms.

Good Luck. x
I was dilated when i had my sweep at 40+5. They told me IF i made it to my induction at 40+11 they'd only break my waters as there was no need to do any more. I made it to 40+10!
So if you're already 2cm then it's doubtful you'll make it to Friday. But at least it's a promising day for you. You know your baby will be coming.
Bet you're fed up of the wait now.
Gosh, do you really think so? I'm so fed up waiting that just think it will be friday as nothings happened. I had a sweep yesterday and there was blood when the midwife did it! Not reading to much into it as I've had three sweeps already. The one yesterday was quite an intense one and it was when she found my cervix has dilated and it was soft.

We'll see!!! I just want my baby and also want to get back to some kind of normality.

Thanks for your replies.

Mary xx
I had my sweep at T+10 and i was 2-3cm there was also quite a bit of watery blood afterwards (it ran down my leg when i stood up :oops: )

DD was born at T+12. I was booked for induction at T+13 so just got away with it :D
i really hope all goes well for you hunni :hug:

Im ok, still pregnant!! Looks like i'll be induced.

I went to the day before my appointment! There's still hope for you yet! Fingers crossed!

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